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15th National Conference

Customer Perception On Mobile Banking

Mobile usage has seen an explosive growth in most of the Asian economies like India, China and Korea. The main reason that Mobile Banking scores over Internet Banking is that it enables 'Anywhere Anytime Banking. Customers don't need access to a computer terminal to access their bank accounts, now they can do so on-the-go while waiting for the bus to work, traveling or when they are waiting for their orders to come through in a restaurant. Mobile banking in India is set to explode - approximately 43 million urban Indians used their mobile phones to access banking services during quarter ending August, 2009, a reach of 15% among urban Indian mobile phone user .As per a survey made by Bangalore based research firm that tracks current and future mobile trends in India has revealed that the most popular mobile banking services used by consumers are Checking accounts, to view last three transactions, status of checks, payment reminders, to sent a request for new check book. The present study is done to know the aw eness of mobile banking among banking customers and their perceptions on mobile banking and the impact of mobile banking on customers. The research was conducted by taking 100 account holders of various banks. ... Read more

An Association Mining of Efficient by Compressed Large Database

Large Amount of data is being using very rapidly in the world. It to be compressed takes much more time and takes lot of effort to process these data for knowledge discovery and decision making. Data compression technique is one of good solutions to be reduce size of data that can be save more time the time of discovering useful knowledge by using appropriate methods, for example Data mining. Data mining is used to help users discover interesting and useful knowledge more easily to decision making purpose. It is more and more popular to apply the association rule mining in recent years because of its wide applications in many fields such as stock analysis, web log mining, medical diagnosis, customer market analysis and bioinformatics. In this paper the main focus in on association rule mining and data pre-process with data compression. In this paper we analysis the methods simple Apriori, Partion based Apriori and Apriori with compressed dataset. We compare these three methods on the basis of minimum support, inimum confidence, number of records and execution times ... Read more

Integrating DNA Computing in Chaos-Based Optimization Algorithm Approach for Cryptography

Abstract: DNA cryptography is a field which is being in tremendous demand for providing effective electronic security since 1990s. It exploits the extreme randomness and complexity properties of DNAstructure for coding and decoding any information. As a new step to enhance the security, this paper presents an alternative security method of chaotic encryption and decryption by embedding DNA security algorithm in it. The presented method of cryptography can transmit highly confidential data efficiently and securely, and complements standard, algorithmic procedures, providing security solutions with novel features. ... Read more

Data Scientist Hot Victim of Short Term Shortage

With ever increasing amount of data being generated every moment there is a strong need of a person who can not only read but can also interpret, analyze and can evaluate critically to bring out the desired result out of it. Data Scientist is one who can work on enormous data involving data complexity, can query huge databases with different aspects and extract meaningful data with different view using tools and applications. He is a mixture of business analysis, analytics modeling and data management and the scientist. These people are gaining importance and are becoming crucial assets as they give an edge to business in today's competitive era. The purpose of this paper is to figure out the shortage of data scientist and to find out the remedies to cope up with such scarcity of the intellectual professionals in IT hiring market. Keywords: Data scientist, hiring, internet, shortage. ... Read more

BPO A SWOT Analysis

BPO is one of the popular business practices in today's competitive environment. India has enormous opportunities emerging from globalization and consequent lowering of tariff barriers. The Indian BPO industry is constantly growing. However, along with the Phenomena Increase in BPO to India there has been a backlash against outsourcing. Information Technology has given India formidable brand equity in the global markets. Indian BPO companies have a unique distinction of providing efficient business solutions with cost and quality as an advantage by using state of art technology. This article explains overview of BPO industry in India comparative strength, weakness, opportunities and thread Indian BPO industry. ... Read more

An Analysis of Major Information Security Management System Standards

In the era of globalization information is an important asset for any organization. Due to rapid growth in the use of electronic devices and networking, protecting the information and providing its security is an important task for any organization. However, in spite of tremendous growth in information security management system there is scarcity of a standard which can guarantee total information security to any organization. This paper tries to introduce different information security management system standards. It also presents an analysis of pros and cons of major information security standards, like ISO27001, PA DSS, PCIDSS, ITIL and COBIT. The study will provide various features, compatibility and usability of major information security standards. It will also imbibe the profile and methodology of each standard under study. ... Read more

Role of Cloud Computing in Business Concepts Merits and Demerits

Cloud Computing arose as one of the latest/hottest topic in the world of Information Technology. It is based on several research areas like Grid Computing, Virtualization, Distributed computing and Utility Computing. Cloud Computing is the next stage in the Internet's evolution. It provides the means through which everything — from computing power to computing infrastructure, applications, business processes to personal collaboration — can be delivered to you as a service wherever and whenever you need. ... Read more

Benefits Challenges and Proposed Solutions of e-Business in India

This paper emphasizes on the concept, benefits, challenges and major solutions of e-Business in India. Many of the people are confused and make others confused between e-Business and e-Commerce In this paper it was try to explore the basic concepts of e-Business because in India majority of people both businessmen and customers find difficulty in e-Business even many of them don't know what it is. It presents a research basically on why many of the people are not aware or scared of e-Business and what are the major problems people find while operating business or purchasing through internet. Basically, electronic business is the process of buying, transferring, or exchanging products, services, and/or information via computer networks, including the internet. E-business can also be beneficial from many perspectives including business process, service, learning, collaborative, community. To compete with other domestic and international traders' knowledge and use of e-Business is a must in today's world. Thus, by giving light on advantages, challenges and solutions, it was tried to give simple brief outlook on e-Business. ... Read more

Design of One Dimensional Chaotic Maps Based System for Secret Key Generation

The quality of the stream ciphers highly depends on the quality of the key-stream. The process of key generation is the major task which defines the level of security of a cryptosystem. A lot of key generation techniques based on linear feedback shift registers have been suggested in the literature. In this paper, we propose a circuit based on one-dimensional chaotic maps for the generation of secret keys. Multiple Logistic maps and Cubic maps are used to design the system which generates the key-stream in a novel manner. The proposed system includes the preprocessing and quantization of the chaotic sequences. The integration of multiple one dimensional chaotic systems is basic thought to secure the data from the unauthorized sources. Further these keys are used in cryptography to encrypt and decrypt the data. The experimental results show that the sequence has desirable autocorrelation property and can be applied in a cryptographic process. ... Read more

SCADA: A Tool for Managerial Excellence

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a automation tool which is being used in manufacturing industry for accurate, timely and quality production. The other role of SCADA is to make available real time data related to production for technical and managerial analysis. Today, in this competitive era, Managers have to be more equipped with such tools for increasing the production efficiency. This paper will discuss about architecture and working of SCADA and will explore various applications of it. ... Read more

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