CA Prashant Jain

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OCTAPACE Culture in Management Institutes

Organization culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguish an organization from other organizations. In order to have persistent growth of individuals and organization, A Management Institute is required to develop some values. These values help in fostering a climate of continuous development of human resources. A healthy organization culture rests on eight strong pillars of OCTAPACE. A well managed Institute supported by these values can improve the performance of the employees. This Paper attempts to focus on comparing the OCTAPACE Culture in Private and Government Management Institutes. OCTAPACE is the acronym of eight values as explained in brief hereunder: • Openness: Spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts, and sharing of these without defensiveness. It is willingness to listen to others freely & frankly • Confrontation: Facing and not shying away from problems; deeper analysis of interpersonal problems; taking up challenges. It implies recognizing and facing a problem • Trust: Maintaining confidentially of information shared by the other person and misusing it; a sense of assurance that others will help when needed and will honor mutual obligations and commitments. Trust and trustworthiness deal with a culture of people in believing each other • Authenticity: Congruence between what one feels, says and does; owing ones actions and mistakes, unreserved sharing of feelings. Authenticity is speaking the truth fearlessly and keeping up the promises made • Proactivity: Initiative; pre-planning and preventive action; calculating pay-offs before taking action. Taking actions & planning keeping in view anticipated Changes/Challenges in the environment • Autonomy: Using and giving freedom to plan and act in one’s own sphere; respecting and encouraging individual and role autonomy. Autonomy is the willingness to use power without fear and helping others to do the same • Collaboration: It involves working together and using one another’s strengths for a common cause • Experimenting: Using and encouraging innovative approaches to solve problems; using feedback for improving; taking a fresh look at things encouraging creativity. Trying out New ideas or ways while dealing with people

Quality of Work Life

This study quantifies the effects of quality of work life on employees. It aims to gain an insight into current working life policies and practices, as well as work-life balance issues of employees. Several notable factors that influence quality of work life are Adequate and Fair Compensation; Safe and Healthy Working Conditions; Opportunity to Use and Develop Human Capabilities; Opportunity for Career Growth etc. QWL provides for the balanced relationship among work, non- work and family aspects of life. In other words, family life and social life should not be strained by working hours including overtime work, work during inconvenient hours, business travel, transfers, vacations, etc.

360 Degree Performance Appraisal as a TQM Tool in Engineering Education

Total Quality Management (TQM) concept of measurable & predictable error reduction can be applied to talent management. 360 degree performance appraisal processes have increasingly become a mode of evaluation & employee development. As an enhancement to a traditional review, where employees are given a single evaluation by superior, 360 degree performance appraisal provides a multi-sourced review. In this paper, an attempt is made to propose this system to engineering education. Concept, implementation strategy & reasons are discussed. Optimum utilization of human resource is the key in engineering education. Talent audit system can be used as best TQM tool in educational field. The predictive ability of 360 degree feedback process highlights long term success factors. Keywords: Performance appraisal, 360 degree feedback, talent audit systems, peers, multi source, multi layer.

Employer Branding: A 3-D Perspective

The ever-changing world of business at a rapid pace, has witnessed some enormous rise and fall in recent times. It is desirous from, one and all, business associates to transform themselves and their business related roles time to time so as to match the pace at which business keeps changing. One of such transformation in business role is that of Human Resource Management of business organizations. Today the role of HR is not confined to the inner yards of the business organization, but it is beyond its periphery. As Marketing is becoming an inevitable part of the business, the field of HRM is not an exception. With the war for talent is on and getting tougher day-by-day, HR professionals are required to attract and retain the best of the employees from the limited talent pool. They do so by creating an Employer’s Brand, by Marketing organizational philosophies, policies and practices in such a manner to become an “Employer of Choice”. The paper seek out a three dimensional view to the concept discussing the contributions of Information Technology (IT) in the process of Employer Branding, and provides a conceptual model for it.

Technology Revolution in HR for Business Competence

Human Resource Management seeks to build and maintain an environment for quality excellence, to better enable the work force to achieve the company's quality and operational performance objectives. Global competition is putting more and more pressure on managers to make faster and better business decisions. Investments in Information Technology are often touted as a critical means of speeding up and improving management decision making. Yet, it has proved difficult to realize the potential of Information Technology investments. This is particularly in Human Resource (HR), though it has been proved that HR is a prime candidate to benefit from information technology. Information technology has been cited as a critical driver of HR’s transition from a focus on administrative tasks to strategic business partner. This strategic role not only adds a valuable dimension to the HR function but also changes the competencies that define the success of HR professionals. This paper will focus on answering the question that “How the introduction of information technology in the field of HR has brought about a new transformation and has helped to develop competitive advantage”.

Rejuvenating the Performance Appraisal System of School Teachers

The system of Performance Appraisal plays a very important role in selecting the employees of high quality and integrity, to shoulder the responsibility of senior position. It not only helps to improve the efficiency of the individuals but also improves the overall productivity of the organization. Employees get the feedback, which encourages them to develop their knowledge and skills to meet the objectives of the organization. But in schools education system of India, especially in Indore, no proper performance appraisal system exists. There is only very weak and biased evaluation system. Teachers are the key members of the society on whom the whole education system is based, but unfortunately they are the most neglected ones. This paper will explore modern methods of Performance Appraisal for the assessment of school teachers which will act as revitalizer, re-energizer and rejuvenator for them. It will link the teachers’ performance with the mission and vision of the school and will act as a catalyst for the improvement of overall education system.

Strategic Human Resource Management at National Thermal – A Step towards Fabricating Magic!

Managing humans is at the heart of almost all the real-life management ‘problems’. What it takes to ‘manage’ humans? Why humans are a ‘resource’ and what makes them special? Human resource management is a function within an organization which gives an overview of humans at work and discusses various aspects which are basic to human motivation at work and in fulfilling career aspirations within organizations. Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.

HR for Sustainable Growth: Job Satisfaction Among Bank Employees

In today’s globalized business world and cut-throat competition-era, the organization can only survive with sustainable growth. No organization can achieve a sustainable growth without the help of its human resources (HR), which have always been treated as the most valuable of all the resources in the organization. This sustainable growth will come only by providing job satisfaction to its employees. Vroom (1964) postulated a model of job satisfaction which reflects valence of the job for its incumbent. He argued that the strength of the force on a worker to remain on his job is an increasing function of valence on his job. Sinha (1974) defines job satisfaction as a “Reintegration of effects produced by individual’s perception of fulfillment of his need in relation to his work and the situations surrounding it”. Juliane (2010) notes that job satisfaction has steadily declined in U. S.A. over the years despite big improvements in the work environment, such as a reduction of workplace hazards and an increase in vacation days. The main objective of the study is to find out the factors which can contribute to job satisfaction of an employee. It is a quantitative research, descriptive in nature. Sample survey method is used for data collection. The universe of the study was Indore. The population of the study was all the employees of nationalized banks. The sampling unit was the clerical cadre bank employees. The sample size was 50. The sampling technique used was convenience sampling technique. The data was collected through self structured and self administered questionnaire. Finally the data was analyzed through various statistical tools like graphs, charts etc.

A Comparative Study on Motivation Level of Employees in Government and Private Hospitals

At one time, employees were considered just another input into the production of goods and services. What perhaps changed this way of thinking about employees was research, referred to as the Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1932. This study found employees are not motivated solely by money and employee behavior is linked to their attitudes. The Hawthorne Studies began the human relations approach to management, whereby the needs and motivation of employees become the primary focus of managers. Motivation is known to be a predictive variable which influences employee job satisfaction. The study is to be done within the purview of certain variable which will clearly underline the factors which motivate the employees of various sectors and would help in comparative analysis of the level of motivation & the corresponding factors involved in it.

Positive Attitude in Organization

Our approach, attitude and understanding, knowledge are based on our inner thoughts, both conscious and subconscious and we are under their control, whether we recognize it or not. We can be optimistic or pessimistic, passionate or unexciting, dynamic or submissive. The major difference between people is their attitudes. Attitude is a mental position relative to a way of thinking or being; a leaning toward that which we believe. A Positive Attitude is the tendency to generally be optimistic, promising and hopeful. This paper is an attempt to analyse how positive attitude translate problems in to opportunities, reduces pressure, develop vision, and helps to earn esteem, admiration of associates and lot more and how a Positive Attitude in the workplace can make an amazing difference.

Breeding Effective Leaders and Generating EQ

From time immortal, our culture has assumed that intellect is the secret to success; individuals blessed with a high IQ will make the best leaders and be the most successful in their profession. In the last decade, however, the leadership literature is moving in another direction. Researchers are discovering that leadership success is highly dependent on an individual’s EQ, a term popularized by journalist and psychologist Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence is about how one controls his own reaction to situations. This paper is an attempt to analyse what happens when one finds himself “charged” situation. Goleman believes that when people lose their cool, even the smartest people get stupid very quickly. When people master their emotions, they are better able to assess risk and make intelligent choices. They are better able to relate to other people by using their empathic skills. They are more likely to take initiative

Attitude Transformation and the Desired Attitude in an Organization

In the present era, where world has become a global village, competition is severe. An organization encompasses individuals, and the development of an organization depends exclusively on the attitude of all the individuals working in the organization. With reference to the challenges in the competitive world one has to change for better and positive. Attitudes grant people with a beginning for expressing their central values. Hence our experience and relations whether good or bad, with others has a great impact on our attitudes. Positive attitude is healthier, more refreshing. People win when they stop complaining and adopt a positive, problem solving attitude at work. Organizations develop, stay alive, decline or are destroyed, depending on the behavior of the employees. In this paper, some factors to achieve the right attitude and their applicability will be discussed and put into context.

The Pricing of IPOs & FPOs in Indian Capital Market

Indian capital market has always proved itself a prominent market for public issues. For the common man though the retail participation is very less as well as for Qualified Institutional Bidders (QIBs), Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and Follow- on Public Offerings (FPOs) has always been a very profitable investment instrument. During the year 2010, 72 companies had been raised Rs.69192 crore from the primary market through IPOs and FPOs which is over three times higher than 21 in 2009. Out of 72 issues, 64 were IPOs that has raised Rs.31615 crore and remaining 08 were case of FPOs which has raised 31577 crore. The study “Pricing of IPOs & FPOs in Indian Capital Market” pays attention to the performance of the IPOs and FPOs in the secondary market. The pricing of the IPOs and FPOs in 2010 has been studied with the help of secondary data collected from NSE, BSE and other relevant data sources. The researchers assume that the investments in IPOs and FPOs are very safe, risk free, and make good returns. It was found from the research that returns out of IPOs and FPOs of some companies during the short term is very promising but some of have given less as its costs in issue price. In the recent past several large equity offerings including those from reputable business houses has failed to reach their price targets. Out of the 72 companies that have raised Rs. 69192 crore from Investors in India through IPOs and FPOs many are quoting below their issue price. The above research deals with these phenomena whether these issues are being offered at fair price or not, is investing in IPOs or FPOs wise decision or investor should wait till its best price in secondary market. Key words: Initial public offering (IPO), Follow-on Public Offering (FPO), Qualified Institutional Bidders (QIBs), Short-Term Returns, Performance Review, Pricing of IPOs and FPOs.

Financial Markets and Instruments

Financial markets are used to match those who want capital to those need it. A financial market is a mechanism that allows people to buy and sell financial securities such as stocks and bonds, commodities and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect the efficient-market hypothesis. Financial markets facilitate: • The raising of capital in the capital markets. • The transfer of risk in the derivative markets. • International trade in the currency markets. A financial instrument is either cash; evidence of an ownership interest in an entity; or a contractual right to receive, or deliver, cash or another financial instrument. A real or virtual document is that representing a legal agreement involving some sort of monetary value. A sharp acceleration in the pace of innovation, deregulation and structural changes in the recent years has transformed the financial system in important ways.

Financial Markets & Instruments: Factoring and Forfeiting

The main problem nowadays when trading with foreign countries is to obtain payments from importers. This paper focuses on how the two major innovative tools of financing viz: Factoring and Forfeiting helps the Financing companies to offer financial support to traders in exchange for fees, and guarantees and the problems they faced. For the exporter, both of these methods maximize cash flow, reduce transaction risks, and may enhance competitiveness by offering flexible payment terms to the buyer.

Commercialization of Microfinance in India

Microfinance is gathering momentum to become a significant force in India. This paper discusses the growth, transformation and commercialization of microfinance organizations (MFO) in India. The basic argument is that most of the early microfinance in India happened through donor and philanthropic funds. These funds came into not-for-profit organizations. However as the activities scaled up, it was imperative to move to a commercial format. The aim is to examine the growth imperatives and the transformation process of Indian MFOs.

FDI in Indian Retail Sector: Good or Bad

Retailing is the interface between the producer and the individual consumer buying for personal consumption. The retail industry in India is of late often being hailed as one of the sunrise sectors in the economy. The recent clamor about opening up the retail sector to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) becomes a very sensitive issue, with arguments to support both sides of the debate. It is widely acknowledged that FDI can have some positive results on the economy, triggering a series of reactions that in the long run can lead to greater efficiency and improvement of living standards, apart from greater integration into the global economy. By infusion of FDI in retail trade the consumer will be benefited by both price reductions and improved selection, brought about by the technology and know-how of foreign players in the market. This in turn can lead to greater output and domestic consumption. But the most important factor against FDI driven “modern retailing” is that it is labor displacing to the extent that it can only expand by destroying the traditional retail sector. This paper tries to throw light on the positive and negative effects of FDI in Indian Retail industry.

6 An Empirical Study of Non-Linear Relationship between World Oil Price & Indian Stock Exchange

The research paper aim to formulate econometric model to investigate the relationship between the world oil price changes & stock exchange returns in India in the presence of regime switching dynamic. Two regimes is the multivariate Markov Switching vector auto regression (MS-VAR) model with regime shifts in both the mean and the variance is used to extract common regime switching behaviors from the price index series it has been interpret that the stock return series evidence of relationship exists among the series. The study interacts with the oil price changes and the economic measure parameter has received considerable attention from policymakers. The estimated MS-VAR model reveal that as the oil price increase it will follow by the rises of stock price index. the MS-VAR model is a good option for estimating the Non-Linear relationship between the World Oil Price & Indian Stock Exchange.

An Enhanced Congestion Control Mechanism for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

The very dynamic nature of mobile ad-hoc network creates great challenges for routing protocols. Transmission control protocol (TCP) provides connection oriented, reliable end to end mechanism. TCP congestion control mechanism is not directly suitable for wireless networks. Many TCP congestion control mechanisms have been presented for improvement. But these schemes are not sufficient in controlling congestion. In this paper, an improved mechanism for TCP congestion control is presented. Proposed scheme calculate sending window after each transmission, according to number of destroyed or corrupted packet. It results in less packet drop in transmission. The comparative study of Enhanced TCP (ETCP) with other TCP variants also presented with variation in speed of node, pause time and number of nodes in network. Implementation and analysis of proposed mechanism generated fewer overheads and improved reliability with small variances of throughput and delay. Implementations and Simulations were performed in QualNet 5.0 simulator.

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