CA Prashant Jain

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Quality In Higher Education (Role Of Students)

“The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people”In the twenty first ... Read more

Expectation of Students from B-School

The present world is changing and getting innovated day by day. The students having immature mind and boiling blood also start expecting the higher outputs from the institutes. It should be clear that institutes are for making students employable and they are not the “placement agencies”. Moreover, the other expectations of the students are also somewhat genuine and somewhat unrealistic. Hence, this research paper is throwing light in this area that what students expect from a business school. ... Read more

Teaching-Learninng Process

The rapid changes and increased complexity of today’s world, present new challenges and put new demands on our education system. There has been generally a growing awareness of the necessity to change and improve the preparation of students for productive functioning in the continually changing and highly demanding environment. In confronting this challenge it is necessary to consider the complexity of the education system itself and the multitude of problems that must be addressed. ... Read more

Higher Education In The Twenty-First Century

The education sector in general and higher education in particular are undergoing profound changes in India. Enrolment in higher education has been growing to meet the needs of a larger and globalizing labour market. The rapid expansion of the Indian higher education system is due to opening up of the higher education sector for private participation during the 1980s and the economic liberalisation that started in the early 1990s. This research paper is an informative type of paper which will present information regarding the governance and management, some of the recent reforms in the higher education in 21st century done by the government of India and what are the tasks ahead for improvement of the education system in India. ... Read more

Expectation Of MBA Student From B-School

1.    Introduction: B-School is an endeavor to create ‘knowledge pool’ through knowledge sharing, knowledge imparting, knowledge acquisition and knowledge creation for the future managers in ... Read more

Institute – Industry Gap – The Employability Gap

Knowing is not enough, we must apply Willing is not enough, we must do Abstract With the Industry and Academia often expressing divergent views, the article provides both with a platform for expression with the aim to help bring about a meeting of minds. Institute – Industry partnership forms an important activity for any academic institutions as its stakeholders interact with the real world. To work out this employability gap, it is essential for the institutes must realize that their ultimate goal is to deliver quality students to the industry. Covering up this employability gap won’t just benefit the student or the institute or the industry, but would overall benefit our nation as well. We have the fire in us; we just need to feel it and prove ourselves. Together we can and we will, make a difference! ... Read more

Demand for Skilled Human Resource

Universities and industry, which for long have been operating in separate domains, are rapidly inching closer to each other to create synergies. The constantly changing management paradigms, in response to growing complexity of the business environment today have necessitated these two to come closer. Higher education institutions not only contribute skilled human resources to business, but also in various intangible ways. The intersecting needs and mutually interdependent relationship requires identifying means of further strengthening academia-industry partnerships.Extremely dynamic business world and the rapidly developing knowledge based service economy have put in an increased demand for professionals to manage the business effectively. And this is precisely the reason why amongst various other fields of knowledge, desire for acquiring management qualifications is growing, both amongst the fresh graduates and working executives. Many multi-nationals entered India bringing with them increased demand for professionals. Business education now moved beyond the domains of government control with establishment of many private institutions. Indian economy was being integrated into the world economy. As any other ambitious society, India also started placing great importance on commercial activities as a catalyst to socio-economic development. Resurgent India sees wealth creation as a great equalizer amongst all sections of the society. In such a scenario a knowledge worker who can work at the cutting edge of technology, add value to the bottom-line, and provide competitive advantage to industry has become a hot commodity to acquire. ... Read more

Challanges in Mba

In management education, quality has become a necessity and the circumstances require total quality management. The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious. To make India an intellectual capital of the world, we have to rethink about the management education and effort should be made to create a dynamic environment, which can nurture superior quality technical education colleges. Management education in India is not very old; it has taken its practical shape during early sixties with establishment of Indian Institute of Management to train the people with management concepts. After that many institutions, universities have also come forward to provide management education to cater the increasing demand of good managers. The process of liberalization & globalization has created enormous opportunities & challenges & in the era of global competitiveness, we have to exercise utmost care to safeguard, India's interest to see that India does not loose in international arena. In the era of these fast emerging changes, there is a need for future global managers with qualities and competencies in global perspective. Quality is the only currency, which is accepted universally & it is also true in the case when product is education. Every customer is now quality conscious & it is also imperative that a passion for quality is developed in the International as well as Indian psyche.The qualitative aspect of management education is also as important as its technical aspects. Management Education should not just equip a student with technical skills and expertise, but also develop in him the right attitude. It should be our endeavor to produce world class technical & management personnel who would be sought globally. Total quality management should be inducted to make the management education effective. ... Read more

A Study On “Branded Institutes & Students Perception”

Branding Education is more than creating a brand name or a logo or indulging in large media exercises. It is as an exercise that helps develop an identity that inspires people. Today education is not only about bookish knowledge. Now it extends way beyond classrooms to the play fields, stage, music rooms and the very personality of the individuals concerned. The members of a school recognize themselves with its brand. Business schools should accordingly ensure that the strategic focus of their education programs reflects the reality of today's employment market and what students expect from such programs. They should strongly consider allocating additional resources to these programs, improving program flexibility, and further encouraging student participation. The branding strategy and programme of a B-school need to go far beyond the product portfolio and embrace the whole offering from the business school including products, price, place and more importantly people. The paper analysis some of these challenges and their impact on students' satisfaction with their institute experience. ... Read more

Role of Faculty Members In Assuring Quality of Education

The role performed by of faculty members plays a very important role in assuring the quality of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of students and thereby managing the quality of education. The role is crafted according to expectations of stakeholders and self in order to make it comprehensive and clear to one and all. A well crafted role can be enriched at all the levels to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of functioning of the institutions. It serves variety of purposes at institution and individual level. In this paper the process of crafting the role of faculty members is explained, role of faculty members is crafted and listed which is based on research study. The crafted role is stated on various dimensions such as curricular, co-curricular, examination, administrative, managerial and research. The expected behaviour of faculty members is also stated. Well crafted role can further be evaluated to refine, modify and enrich it at institute level considering the specific requirements. It may bring spiral effect in improving the performance of the individuals as well institutes over a period of time. The faculty members can use it for measuring their role satisfaction level and taking decisions for self improvement, role shift and even role quit. ... Read more

A Critical Review Of Higher Education In India With Reference To TQM Measurement

In this research paper an attempt is made to assess the quality of higher education with the help of Total Quality Management ‘TQM’ parameters. The ... Read more

Technical Education: Quality; Some Issues

The transformation of the world economy into the knowledge based society calls for fostering of technologically competent human resource as an essential input for national development. The new global scenario poses unprecedented challenges before the technical education system thereby demanding the whole range of skills for round development of nation. ... Read more

Quality Management In Higher Education

Higher Education has been defined as the mother of all professions. The higher education in India has been confronted with many challenges as there is huge expansion of education to 1500 universities nationwide. For high quality education, we need world-class institutions. We also need bright students to opt for research. The fundamental purpose of education is to make students employable. Employability does not mean job specific skills, but it means the general level of preparedness of entry level employees. It requires a combination of basic, higher order and affective employability skills and traits.Presently, Indian education system caters to the need of more than 10 million people. The higher education enrollment is only 13 per cent. There is an urgent need for expanding the higher education base in the country. The various levels of education are - Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Secondary Education and Professional Education which includes Medical, Management, Engineering, Agriculture and other Technical Education The quality in higher education is the product of 3Es - Excellence, Efficiency and Equity. The new developments in higher education includes increased supply of education and the emergence of new education providers such as multi-national companies, corporate universities and media companies. In recent years, India’s rapid growth has fuelled a massive increase in the demand for higher education. The potential impact of globalization on higher education provides both opportunities and challenges. The paper discusses the research scenario regarding various issues underlying it. It also focuses on impact of globalization on Higher Education. The paper attempts to bring on surface the factors affecting Higher Education and suggestions to improve the quality of Higher Education. ... Read more

Implementing TQM Concepts In Managing Quality In Higher Education

This article is about managing quality in higher education using the concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) which is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence. There is role of each and every body in managing quality in higher education like students, faculty, Management, society, industry, regulatory bodies etc. An institute cannot run by infrastructure alone. It is essential to manage the whole. Students are future citizens .The youth of today is the future of nation. So it is very essential to nurture this youth properly which is possible through total quality management in higher education. Quality Management in higher education reinforces the student’s competitive capability which is the major engine of nation’s growth. Managing quality in providing education can transform the society. It requires commitment from top management, application of scientific knowledge and involvement of all in one team which are the fundamental characteristics of Total quality management. ... Read more

Problems and Challenges of Controller of Examination in the University

In the present scenario when there is trend of growth in the higher education, which has increased the number of students enrolled in higher education. Universities still have a very limited number of staff members hence it is becoming difficult for managing the Examination System effectively. Present Paper deals with various problems and challenges faced by the Controller of Examination in the university. ... Read more

Towards a Sustainable Growth In Higher Education Through Soft Skills

The citizens are the most valuable asset of the country. Development of human capital and mind shift of the citizens is one big challenge. If ... Read more

Quality in Higher Education and Building World Class Universities

Over the years we have seen that higher education is essential for national, social and economic development. It is no longer a luxury. Today, more ... Read more

Quality Higher Education- Missing Roles

Few disagree today, that the next big fortune lies with India - atleast   several World Institutions, top foreign consultancy firms and a number of Economists ... Read more

Quality Assurance System in Higher and Technical Education

Total Quality Management [TQM] approach emphasizes quality assurance, by providing quality inputs. It has made a change in performance of organizations around the world. TQM enables to develop self-assessment culture, so essential to be progressive on sustained basis. Quality improvement involves the statistical tools, consumer research, goal setting, teamwork, problem solving, Human Resource Management, and strategic planning. This paper reviews different aspects of quality assurance, steps involved in implementation of TQM and Organizational frame work for implementation. ... Read more

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