Study of Concept Mapping Strategy for Teaching Science Concepts at Middle Level in Terms of Creativity


As the twenty first century ushers in the information age, we experience new ways of living and working. We are living in the world of science and technology so understanding of science concepts is very important for each and every learner. The learner can understand the concept better through concept mapping.

In traditional learning process, the teacher transmits the facts and assumes students as passive receptors of knowledge. This teaching-learning process is teacher-centred. Science learning as accumulation of fact which is to be stored in memory by the process of rote learning. The passive learning forbids the students to construct their knowledge and understand the concepts to apply them in their day-to-day life.

Gradually the understandings about learning of science has changed with the developments in psychology. Inclusion of newer models of learning from psychologists like J.S. Bruner, David P. Ausubel and Jean Piaget have prompted the science education community to focus on how students learn science and it has started viewing teaching-learning of science from a transmission model to construction of knowledge by the students. Therefore, a pedagogical shift is required from teacher-centred to learner-centred teaching-learning process

Concept map is a tool that is used to elicit student’s knowledge and help the learner in learning of concepts. Concept mapping has proven to be an effective tool and a meaningful learning strategy. Researcher will investigate the use of concept mapping as a strategy to enhance meaningful learning and improve the concepts of students in science

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