Integration of English Language in Education: It’s Importance in Achieving Business Excellence and Suggestions to Improve the Skills

Introduction: Today we live in the era of rife competition where life moves on in its full swing. In this fast paced life we are bound to make quick decisions. With the unending stretch of boundaries on internet the whole world has shrunk into a small screen from where we can learn, receive, send, share and perform almost every function virtually. But this scenario is very demanding and requires a person to be smart enough to handle all sorts of situations tactfully. And all this is impossible without effective command over communication in mutually understandable language. There is an age old maxim which says that a good speaker can sell off a comb even to a bald headed man and a poor speaker can spoil even the best of the thing.

With increasing globalisation and expansion of businesses beyond local and national boundaries, English has come out as the most widely spoken language round the globe. The incessant use of internet has speeded the global acceptance of English as an international language. Particularly, in the field of education to make the pupil industry ready professionals and to enable them to handle multinational clientele is impossible without learning an international language. Alexander V. Sandoval claims in his essay, “The Importance of English” on, “English is becoming the world’s language of the 21st century. Most of the world’s population i.e. about 70% speak English or know it. And more than 80%of all stored information in the world is written in English or translated into it.

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