Presentation on Believe in YOURSELF

By Prof. Veena Dadwani on 9.7. 12 (10:00 – 11:00 p.m.)

BELIEVE is a very powerful word. She showed videos. Belief is to have faith in abilities and reasonable confidence in your powers, sound self confidence. It is related to self realization. At 99 degree the water is very hot but needs one more degree to boil. That one degree is something that is needed. With that steam one can move a train.  The margin of victory is very small in competitive world. The Extra degree is generally the definition of success. The only difference is of good and bad. 

How to believe in yourself? One must have self confidence; it’s an attitude; it’s the most important trait of personality. She talked about how self confidence is initially developed (depends on genetic structure, home environment, friends, teachers, society), strategies to build self confidence, how to use self talk, emphasizing self strength, recognize your own insecurities- rejection, taking risks, bouncing back from your mistakes. It is imperative to look carefully for any hidden agendas, you are unique. One cannot change our color, our gender and our race so never compare yourself. 

Create an invisible wall around you in order to protect the sanctity of your being and work closely with people who make you feel good about yourself.