Home Schooling through Social Networking Sites

Social media has a great effect on every area of our lives. The internet has been invading homes at a fast pace due to the ease of availability and the low cost. One of the areas in which social media can be employed is   Home schooling (also called home education or home based learning).  Home schooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents or by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed to attend public or private schools into every area. The internet, and more recently sites like Twitter and Facebook have proved to be excellent tools for getting information for homeschoolers. Social media is also an excellent media by which parents can contact other members who have been into home schooling and create a network to exchange information as well as interact and find solutions to problems. There also has seen a spurt of sites in the area of home schooling. Social media also has a downside for homeschoolers. By using the internet to help others home school, people may also expose themselves to those who might not agree with homeschooling or are critical of their decisions. Publishing start and ending times for school, field trips before they happen, and other detailed information may also lead people to share information which can be used by online predators. The study focuses on the role of social networking in home schooling, the sites available for home schoolers and what precautions to be followed during the networking process.

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