A study Dropout Students “Jambudi” Indore Region


Education plays a key role in human development through the process of empowering people to improve their well being and participation in national building. Dropout however poses a serious threat to gains in education despite the Government emphasis on Education for All by the year 2015. A relative study of dropouts among boys and girls in rural areas of Jambudi district (Madhya Pradesh) Education renews and rebuilds the social basics and gives social awareness. In before times, education was primarily meant for survival. But with time it has become indispensible for a more enriched life, better use of spare time and improvements in social and cultural life. Newline Education is the most important element for growth and prosperity of a nation. A dropout is careful a student who for any reason other than death leaves school before Higher secondary without transferring to another school. Dropping out of school is a well documented social problem and often present off-putting conditions for teenagers. The sample consisted of 25 dropout students  and one of their parents. The main causes of dropping out of girls from school in rural areas were reluctance of parents and participation in domestic activities. Another major reason was problem of financial constraint. 

Keywords : -  Dropouts, Education School, Rural Girls, Parents , Occupation, Career

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