A Study on Internet Marketing as A Tool for Promotion

Internet marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular important in the modern market. The reason why it has increased in importance is quite simple and relies on the fact that  it ensures how marketing activities utilize the limited resources of the organization, while satisfying consumers wants, both of individuals and industry, as well as achieving the selling organizational objectives. The objectives of the study is to identify the impact of internet marketing strategies on customer satisfaction and the potential of this strategy in making consumer brand loyal along with converting the immediate revenue into long term gains.  The study is based upon primary and secondary data. To study the customer preference, 100 sample respondents were selected in Bhopal town by adopting convenient sampling method. The statistical tools such as percentage analysis, average, Likert Scaling technique etc were used to derive the appropriate results from the study. The outcome of the research paper will provide the suggestions to the organizations about the customer’s outlook in the city of Bhopal about Internet marketing, their inclination towards the e- marketed products and the future expectations with the concept. 

Keywords: Internet Marketing, Organizational Objectives, Customer Preference, Marketing Strategies. 

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