Stepping towards e-Governance through Enhanced File Tracking System: A Functional Model using Integrated Support of ICT

Procedures in Government departments cause creation and movement of files related with different issues among various departments/offices. Though the departments have dispatch and reception sections to keep record of dispatched and received files. Yet it is a common problem that due to various reasons, many a times, and the files get hanged up in some department, or it becomes wearisome to know the location/status of the file. This in general results in delaying the resolution of the concerned files. Also many times it may affects important projects to proceed/complete within time. The model presented in this paper offers an approach to bring e-Governance in this regard.  Through innovative use of ICT, it offers transparency to know the status of files at various offices/departments. By use of Internet, Web Technology, and Database Servers it provides an active tool for tracking status of Files in various departments/sections. Besides it provides mean to quantify the workload and bottlenecks in procedures. Along with convenience in record keeping of file movements, it can also provide various useful statistical reports for future plans to improve QoS in public services. 

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