Impact of Globalization and Strategic Agriculture Marketing in India

After Globalization, Indian agriculture has benefited from improved farming techniques but the growth is not equitable. The farmer is trapped in a vicious cycle of : Low risk taking ability→ Low investment→ Low productivity→ Weak market orientation→ Low value addition→ Low margin→ Low risk taking ability. This situation makes the farmers and the Indian agri- business globally uncompetitive despite abundant natural resources. The Growth rate in agriculture, employment in rural areas and support of Government for agriculture sector development has gradually declined during the reform period. The study deals with the present status of Indian agriculture marketing, the challenges and prospects in globalized market. Finally, the study suggests strategies for agricultural development through focus on the important aspects of agriculture: Production, processing, policies and marketing. The study is based on secondary data and it will provide a model for structural changes for strengthening agricultural sector by adopting certain strategies for safeguarding their existence, livelihood and culture. The findings and the suggestions will be helpful for the academicians, research scholars, policy makers, agriculturalists and the agricultural marketers. 

Keywords: India, Globalization, Agriculture, Marketing, Strategies.

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