Work Place Stress: Causes and Strategies to Overcome it

Stress is a sensation that's created when we retort to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. All work has its different work pressures and we vary in our capability and ability to cope up with the different stress situations. One in five people suffers from workplace stress, with half a million people reporting they have become ill as a result. Stress is not a disease, but it can be a threat to your health and safety at work. The main causes for work related stress are poor communication, bad work culture, and skills not matching that are needed for a job. Stress can also be triggered by events away from work, such as bereavement, money worries and illness. The relevance of stress at workplace assumes significance as it has a direct bearing not only on the productivity of the organization but also on the health and life of the individual. In such cases people under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer from mental breakdowns. This research paper is an endeavor to understand the different facets of employee’s stress and how stress at workplace can be managed by practicing certain logical approaches.

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