A Planned Approach to Financial Planning for Indian Investors - An Empirical Analysis

There has been a revolutionary change in the investment pattern of present day Indian investors. Conventional investors took investment decisions on the basis of their financial demographics, time frame of investment, and risk return trade off. However investors of present day are more educated and have complete knowledge of the various investment products as well adopt a strategic and planned approach to financial planning. The deregulation of the financial markets and facilitating financial policies and standards has also encouraged investors to follow a strategic approach to financial planning. Besides, the complex financial products and increased life expectancy of investors are necessitating investors to pay much more attention to diversification in allocation of, impact of economic and global conditions  on the investment and timing of entry and exit of investments. The present study attempts to suggest a strategic approach to financial planning for Indian investors and bring to light the changing face of financial planning in India.

Keywords: Indian Investors, Financial Planning, Investments, Diversification, Lifecycle Stages.

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