Issues & Trends in Human Rights

In India, the last quarter of the 20th century has been witness to a growing recognition of the place and relevance of human rights. It is axiomatic that this interest in human rights is rooted in the denial of life and liberty that was a pervasive aspect of the Emergency (1975-77). Human rights are international norms that help to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal, and social abuses. Examples of human rights are the right to freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial when charged with a crime, the right not to be tortured, and the right to engage in political activity. These rights exist in morality and in law at the national and international levels. The paper deals with various human rights as human rights related to Child education, Human Rights for Women & corruption. It explains the past & present issues related to the above said areas of human rights. The study examines that there is still a need of education of human rights in India. The awareness among people is very low and the abolition of these rights is becoming common. Hence there is an emerging need of education of these rights in higher schools and colleges.

Keywords: Child Education, Corruption, Human Rights for Women.

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