Breeding Effective Leaders and generating EQ

In recent years, more attention has been paid to the connections that exist between emotional intelligence and leadership. Those who have higher than average EQs tend to be very skilled when it comes to management, putting people at ease, and finding a balance between work and their personal lives. EQ should never be underestimated in the work place. A strong leader is an individual who is able to control their impulses. One of the strongest components of a leader is a person who can put others at ease. Effective leaders that possess emotional intelligence will generate an effective environment in the organization that will promote emotional intelligence at the subordinate levels. For profession of all kinds, emotional intelligence is twice as important as IQ plus technical skills. Being able to find balance is an important part of emotional intelligence, and it is directly connected to effective leadership qualities. Leaders who have balance can build strong relationships with those that follow them. This paper is attempts to put forward imperative dimensions and significance of Emotional Intelligence and to determine how Emotional Intelligence can facilitate develop superior and successful leaders for organizations which aspire to excel.