OCTAPACE Culture in Management Institutes

Organization culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguish an organization from other organizations. In order to have persistent growth of individuals and organization, A Management Institute is required to develop some values. These values help in fostering a climate of continuous development of human resources. A healthy organization culture rests on eight strong pillars of OCTAPACE. A well managed Institute supported by these values can improve the performance of the employees. This Paper attempts to focus on comparing the OCTAPACE Culture in Private and Government Management Institutes. OCTAPACE is the acronym of eight values as explained in brief hereunder: • Openness: Spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts, and sharing of these without defensiveness. It is willingness to listen to others freely & frankly • Confrontation: Facing and not shying away from problems; deeper analysis of interpersonal problems; taking up challenges. It implies recognizing and facing a problem • Trust: Maintaining confidentially of information shared by the other person and misusing it; a sense of assurance that others will help when needed and will honor mutual obligations and commitments. Trust and trustworthiness deal with a culture of people in believing each other • Authenticity: Congruence between what one feels, says and does; owing ones actions and mistakes, unreserved sharing of feelings. Authenticity is speaking the truth fearlessly and keeping up the promises made • Proactivity: Initiative; pre-planning and preventive action; calculating pay-offs before taking action. Taking actions & planning keeping in view anticipated Changes/Challenges in the environment • Autonomy: Using and giving freedom to plan and act in one’s own sphere; respecting and encouraging individual and role autonomy. Autonomy is the willingness to use power without fear and helping others to do the same • Collaboration: It involves working together and using one another’s strengths for a common cause • Experimenting: Using and encouraging innovative approaches to solve problems; using feedback for improving; taking a fresh look at things encouraging creativity. Trying out New ideas or ways while dealing with people