Green Supply Chain Management in Indian Automobile Industry

One of the biggest challenges for each Industry in current market is the growing need for integrating environmentally sound choices into Supply Chain practices. The waste and emission caused by the Supply Chain have become the main sources of serious environmental problems including global warming and acid rain. The Supply Chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers themselves. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has helped reduce the ecological impacts of industrial activity. As a more systematic and integrated strategy GSCM has emerged as an important innovation that helps organizations develop ‘win-win’ strategies that achieve profit and market share objective by lowering their environmental risks and impacts, while raising their ecological efficiency. GSCM includes Green Purchasing and Cooperation with customers including environmental requirements, investment recovery, and eco-design practices. GSCM attaches great importance to environmental protection and green philosophy. It seeks to change the traditional linear model chain which from suppliers to user and bring the recycling economy into the Management of Supply Chain. The paper studies current status of The Green practices adopted by the Indian Automobile Industry in their Supply Chain for Environment soundness and Performance