Teaching & Learning Process: Challenges & Issues – Teaching From Mind & Learning By Hart

In this paper article , I try to indicate some point & describe them in this way first define what is teaching, learning, teaching & learning combine, describe teaching process & learning process & its characteristics, challenges & issues of teaching from mind & learning by hart. It’s also include some examples of teaching & learning like Michel Faraday, from whom, where & how he learn, it also include example of movies of Amir Khan’s “Tare Jami Par” & “Three idiots” about teacher & learner ,Example of atom bomb & terror activities challenges & issues of teaching & learning. Example Visnu Sharma great writer & teacher who written “Panch Tantra Stories.” & great learner of Arjun in Maha Bhart.

A good learner can teach better Then a having knowledgeable person.”

1.    Teaching: Teaching is art & technique of understanding someone & to understood someone about some things with easiest way by which someone like most comfortable. Teaching is not just talking about with others but it is whole description with discussion for understood too complex think in to easy way.
•    It should be attractive.
•    It should be easy.
•    It should be something knowing.
•    It should be two way communications.
•    It should be developing thinking.
•    It should have power to change someone.
•    It should be developing in nature.
•    It should be interactive.     
2.    Learning: Learning is grasping power of individual to develop inside of changes for betterment, grooming & developing his/her self.
              “Learning is continuous process & it’s always makes changes for betterment.”
It has grooming power.
It is always for betterment.
It is never negative.
It is continuous process.
It can come with multichanges.
It has multichannels.
It goes always positive direction.
It gives happiness.
3.    Teaching & Learning combine each other: In this teaching & learning both are supplementary to each other. If one is teaching & other is learn. So, there is no leaner, then no sense of teaching. Similar, if there is no one thing which teaches us, and then it means there is nothing to learn.

*Student MBA III Sem., Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore

“A good teaching makes better learner &
A good learner can develop more interest in to teacher to teach.”

Teaching & learning both supplementary but both has different characters.
•    One has attracting power & &other has grasping power.
•    One is discontinuous process & other is continuous process.
•    Teaching is tough &learning is easy.
•    Teaching is depended on preparation & dependable liking & disliking learning.
•    Teaching can do by experience persons & for learning need of such things

“Teaching is like a coop of water & learning is like a thrust so, leaner always should go to the teacher. “

By whom teaching:
•    Teaching by parents &family.
•    Teaching by society.
•    Teaching by school & college teacher
•    Teaching by plant, animals & environment
•    Teaching by friend & class felloes.
Where from learning:
Someone said that-“no age of learning.”
I think no limit of learning, not just second where someone not learn, no place where is not learning.
•    Learning from experience.
•    Learning from elder.
•    Learning from old persons.
•    Learning from new things.
•    Learning from plant, animals &environment.
•    Learning from child & youngsters.
•    Learning from living & non living things.
•    Learning from day & night.
•    Learning from science & technology.

4.    What is teaching process-?
 Teaching process starts from learning but cannot say which is come first. It is just same like a question “which is come first edge or hen.”
“Teaching process is a complex process which is start from learns & ends to learn others.”
I say that teaching is complex process for that it needs experience, that experience come from after learning many things. By the learning, learning, learning then implementing into real life then feel that, what effects after learning. Then all effects collectively which think to indicate, what would will be changes come & that changes how much beneficial for others, after that what other side effects & where it is not applicable. After that all this complexity converts in simple, easy & possible smallest form to teach others. So that others can learn easily & develop interest to know more. 

5.    What is learning process-?
As I already say that the learning process is a continuous process & we can say that easier to because it develop after interest & teaching make so easy to learn. Learning process start from birth & going on whole life & every movement whatever he/she learn. It develops new dimension in his/her life. A good learner is that who implement practically things in his/her life. & that practical gives more perfection, confidence & more faith on whatever he/she learn.
A learner can learn everything whatever source he/she liking, he/she can learn from plants, animals, elders, children, books, any living ,non-living things & any time &any conditions, weather, day or night, hot or cool, awakens or slip, conscious or unconscious mind. Means any sources can use then think what to learn &how to learn then connected with our aim, maser it all the parameter then implement it into side of our self. After successfully   implementation than it become a strength of a particulars & it hide all the weakness.
It can define as:
“A learning of something start to wise to learn from inside filling, deep thinking from inside, evaluating & implementation it practically brushing it whole life &for more accurate result.”
Example: Michal Faraday, The father of electromagnetic induction, was born 1791 at Newington, England.
In 1820, Hans Oested- discovered that when electric current passes though a conductor it could produce magnetic field. Faraday heard about this & thought that it would also work the other way round, that is , magnetic field can generate electricity. He carried out experiments; he invented the process of electromagnetic induction &formulated the law of electromagnetic induction. & refine his bear & he made first dynamo, in1831.

Then, after that continuously experiment going on electricity. Today thousands of power stations all over the world & continuous experiment going on electricity. So, that learning is continuous process.
6.    Challenges & Issues:
Teaching from mind: Teaching is a challenge for a teacher & issue is that today’s teacher teach with fully prepare with mental work they teach to learn by deep thinking and analyzing of matter means teacher are teach after fully mentally prepare for teaching or only it is the work of earning money for living life. What is the job is teacher know?, how much and how many teacher take it seriously, and what is the boundary a teacher work. What is the value of norm and ethics of teaching? How many teachers prepare for above things and how many come after teaching by this thought? Today teacher teach because of no way of earning money as easy as teacher can earn money. Someone choose this source as a last way of earning money, someone choose this as a profession but many of them work only work as a life earning, few of them become a good teacher because teaching need hard work & mental work. Rarely few of them cross this complex process and except it as a challenge.

Challenges of teaching:                                                                                                                                                                                        
•    It should be free from biasness
•    It should be hard work and mental work
•    It need fully dedicate toward learner
•    It need to give 24 hr for learner and capacity to solve all kind of problem of them
•    It need capability not only keep interest in learner but develop interest for learning
•    It need politeness and understanding capacity of learner behavior
•    It need capability to facing any challenges
Issues of teaching:
•    There are many issues a good teacher cannot be come out few of them are:
•    Scope of earning is limited.
•    A true teacher work for response not for earning only but it cannot find as expectation.
•    Many political issues which is restricted to the teacher.
•    Many institutional issues which against norm and ethics of a good teachers.
•    One of the big issues is decreasing social response and respect of teachers as ancient Indian gurus had.

Learning by heart:
Definitely learning by heart it means learning need interest, evaluation of it’s internally then after dedicate toward learn. Learner becomes success to learn after all learning is not and it is continuously finding new things therefore I am saying learning by heart always surrounded for learn more.
But today many challenges facing to learn and learning is left in the mid way and interest become decreases.

7.    Challenges of learning:
•    Financial challenges to serve into the modern society.
•    Family problems.
•    Interest develop with modern technology is also a challenge
•    Challenge to develop multi personality & giving time for develop our interesting area
•    For deep learning need full concentration and it difficult to concentrate on particular thing.
8.    Issues of learning:
•    Issue of the deep hard learning is that can learner learn this thing beneficial for him and it’s earn interest or by force.
•    Today also traditionally learning is going on. What he/she what to learn no matter.
•    Today many learner follow the celebrities no matter what they did is wrong or right.
•    Today learner want facility no concentration on learning.
•    Youth run on single direction they are not capable to make on path.
•    Today youth need innovation and force to increase. 
Challenges and issues is that modern people also know these problems but how many follows it. Recently release Amir Khan produced film “Tarre Zamin Par”. in this film Amir give very good message for teachers to know what learner want to learn and in this film Amir shows that everyone has talent `and learning power but only need to right person to judge and teach according to his/her interest. This film shows a very good teacher’s quality.
Other film “Three idiots” of Amir production, story based on book of Chetan Bhagat,s  “Five point someone”. In this Amir shows a very good learner who is deep interest for learning not for a collection of degrees and learn for fulfilling of heartily satisfaction.
I mean that both films of Amir success full on box office and take very good response by people but how much practically changing the mind of people &what effect of response of film and what mean to response, learn implementation in practically don’t know how much changing people’s mind but this films really force to thing and learn to me.

Atom bomb and terrorist activity: We seen Amir’s both film is meaning full and it is change for positivity. Many positive things for changing but it contribution for change is very small and other hand negative change, I mean bad learning activity .i want to explain with learning of Enrico Fermi scientist is known as father of nuclear physics .he was basically from Rome (Italy) due to dictator ship of Mussolini, he went to America but American misuse of his learning & force to prepare Atom Bomb which is killed thousands of life. But question arise what Fermi did?, for that day Fermi learn whole life, did Fermi don’t know effect of atom bomb? If he know then why he prepare it?, definitely some wrong thing happen by Fermi and it indicate his learning as a negative learning and it affected with question mark but we know learning is continuous process and today’s many country fight for preparing nuclear weapon. While it ban worldwide and forget it positive effect as a good source of energy and what America did already with Japan in World War II. But many countries ready for repeating it’s mean that good effect of learning spread slowly but it’s bad effect spread rapidly so I want suggest learn carefully and keep it always safe mode for all. Another example of terrorist activities many terrorist activities going on many countries, terrorist collect easily money and other facilities while for learning and teaching facilities poor in that countries. Terror activity easily teaches and little time to adopt whereas a teacher likes parents prepare his or her son or daughter to make a gentleman /lady for whole life.
It is difficult that right teaching very difficult whereas wrong as easier. But real teaching and learning is that it results always beneficial for all and gives always good effect and ready for positive changes.

As like Vishu Sharma writer of poetry “punch tantra” whose capability shows a good teacher. He teaches to two dull princes by some innovative & interesting stories & develops thinking in them. This stories one of world famous stories today.          
Another example of learner is Arjun in Maha Bhart a story about him, one day Guru Drona Chariya wise to test among his shishya, how many of them are concentrate on learning. For that he ask individually to see this tree observation about it. Many give many views but Arjun say that Achariya I see eye of bard, again Dron say anything else, Arjun say no, by that much concentration & dedication make him ‘sresht dhanurdhar’ famous bow man.