CA Prashant Jain

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Network Simulation Using NCTUns

Introduction: Network simulator is software which is very helpful tool to develop, test, and diagnose any network protocol. To implement any kind of network with any kind of link bandwidth, propagations delay, routers etc we do not need to set up the actual network hence it is very economical and the results obtained are easier to analyze. A simulator needs to simulate various networking devices, application programs, network utility programs hence developing a simulator need great efforts. ... Read more

E-Commerce, Its Impact & Trends & Opportunities On Supply Chain Management

Introduction:  Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such ... Read more

Applying Knowledge Management (KM) For Sustainable Business Education

1.    Introduction: Today, Business Education system is under great pressure from industry (society) to deliver finished products (graduates and postgraduates) from its system so as ... Read more

Emerging Paradigms Of DNA Based Computation

Introduction: DNA computing is a novel technology that seeks to capitalize on the enormous informational capacity of DNA, biological molecules that can store huge amounts of information and are able to perform operations similar to that of a computer, through the deployment of enzymes, biological catalysts that act like software to execute desired operations. The appeal of DNA computing lies in the fact that DNA molecules can store far more information than any existing conventional computer chip. Also, utilizing DNA for complex computation can be much faster than utilizing a conventional computer, for which massive parallelism would require large amounts of hardware, not simply more DNA. Scientists have found the new material they need to build the next generation of microprocessors. Millions of natural supercomputers exist inside living organisms, including your body. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules, the material our genes are made of, have the potential to perform calculations many times faster than the world's most powerful human-built computers. DNA might one day be integrated into a computer chip to create a so-called biochip that will push computers even faster. DNA molecules have already been harnessed to perform complex mathematical problems. While still in their infancy, DNA computers will be capable of storing billions of times more data than your personal computer. The practical possibility of using molecules of DNA as a medium for computation was first demonstrated by Adleman in 1994. In 1994, Leonard Adleman took a giant step towards a different kind of chemical or artificial biochemical computer. He used fragments of DNA to compute the solution to a complex graph theory problem. Adleman's method utilizes sequences of DNA's molecular subunits to represent vertices of a network or `"graph". Thus, combinations of these sequences formed randomly by the massively parallel action of biochemical reactions in test tubes described random paths through the graph. Using the tools of biochemistry, Adleman was able to extract the correct answer to the graph theory problem out of the many random paths represented by the product DNA strands. Adleman's primary intention was to prove the feasibility of bio molecular computation but his work also gave an indication that the emergence of this new computational paradigm could provide an advantage over conventional electronic computing techniques. Specifically, DNA was shown to have massively parallel processing capabilities that might allow a DNA based computer to solve hard computational problems in a reasonable amount of time. However, Adleman's brute force search algorithm is not, and was never meant to be, a practical means of solving such problems; the volume of material required was found to increase exponentially as the complexity of the problem was increased. The main idea behind DNA computing is to adopt a biological (wet) technique as an efficient computing vehicle, where data are represented using strands of DNA. Even though a DNA reaction is much slower than the cycle time of a silicon-based computer, the inherently parallel processing offered by the DNA process plays an important role. ... Read more

Software Professionals Use Object Oriented Data Modeling Instead Of Traditional Relational Data Modeling

The purpose of this paper is to explain why object oriented data modeling is more popular than relational data modeling. A data model is a logic organization of the real world objects (entities), constraints on them, and the relationships among objects. Relational model is very simple since data in represented in the form of relations that are depicted by use of two-dimensional tables. Rows in the table represent records and Columns represent attributes of the entity. The basic concept in the relational model is that of a relation. In object-oriented model main construct is an object. As in relational model, there are relations similarly we have objects in OO data modeling. So first thing in OO model is to identify the objects for the systems. Examining the problem statement can do it. Other important task is to identify the various operations for these objects. It is easy to relate the objects to the real world entity. The object-oriented approach has proved to be especially fruitful in application areas, such as the design of geographical information systems which have a richly structured knowledge domain and are associated with multimedia databases.Relational data modeling is different from Object Oriented data modeling because it focuses solely on data while object oriented data models focuses on both the behavior and data aspects of your domain. OODBMS are faster than relational DBMS because data isn’t stored in relational rows and columns but as objects. Objects have a many to many relationship and are accessed by the use of pointers. ... Read more

Evolution Computing Approach To Exploit User Navigational Path Applying Dynamic Prediction

Since 1991 WWW (World Wide Web) concept becomes more popular. It increases use of internet as well as internet users. The wide users’ access information leads us to improve well known strategies for web pre fetching, dynamic user modeling and site customizations to provide or access better performance in internet URL surfing. This paper presents new method to exploit user navigational path behavior to predict, in real-time, future requests. Real time user adaptation avoids the use of statistical techniques on websites or URL logs by adopting the predictive user model. Our new mode adopted from Finite State Machine formalism together with Genetic Algorithm which evolves a population for the same. ... Read more

Schematize Trust Overlays & Management In Mobile Computing

Mobility leads to unplanned interactions between computer systems or mobile devices, as people use devices to access services in varied environments. Before two or more systems ready to interact, they must trust that each will satisfy the security and privacy requirements of the other. In this paper we introduce trust overlays, a systematic approach to build such trust in Mobile computing world. Our solution exploits the increasing availability of trusted computing hardware on commodity systems, including portable computers. We report that key pieces of these solutions are coming into a place, as systems that provide distributed mandatory access control. We also point out that tremendous challenges remain, such as how to set compatible security policies across administrative domains. ... Read more

Knowledge Management: A Tool For An Efficient Organization

The paper takes an in-depth look at knowledge management, a comparatively new business concept that is attracting the consideration of informed and global-oriented companies because of its promise to introduce new rudiments of flexibility and efficiency in the entire business spectrum - from management, plant and production to front line activities. This paper explains how knowledge management benefits businesses and the business community. It discusses how the need for active knowledge management in numerous companies is understood and acknowledged. The paper studies that how often, in practice, this understanding is misconstrued to a false belief that sophisticated and expensive information technology (IT) suffices for good knowledge management. It looks at the requirements of knowledge management and the role played by business intelligence in knowledge management. Further, the differences between organizations' actual and perceived success in knowledge management are discussed. The paper further examines how success, deemed as a firm's ability to generate sustainable growth and profits, is determined not only by knowledge management but intricately linked to the humans who seek straight forward business solutions and constructively counter challenges. ... Read more

It As Catalyst For Growth for Smes In India: With Special Reference to Cloud Computing and SAAS Model

Introduction: Today, India has adapted to the growing knowledge orientation in each industry and would certainly be a leader in the R&D for many industry ... Read more

Review of Wap 1.0 And Wap 2.0 Protocol for Wireless Communication

With the growth of internet, internet application and mobile communication, demand for internet services for mobile devices like laptops, cellular mobiles and wireless devices has been increased. But the challenge is to provide internet content and advanced data services to wireless phones and other wireless terminals that work across all wireless network technologies. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is the solution developed by the WAP forum to the problem. WAP is an open international standard which not only responsible for the presentation and delivery of wireless information and telephony services on mobile phones and other wireless terminals in wireless communication environment but also create content and application that scale across wide range of wireless bearer networks and device types, also extend existing standards and technology whenever possible and appropriate. This paper review WAP protocol version 1.0 and 2.0 and discuss the basic architecture, features and services provided by these versions ... Read more

Survey Of E-Commerce Security Measurement And Risk Analysis

With the hasty development of E- commerce, Security, issues are arising from people’s attention. Electronic commerce services have risen to become more and more well-liked and web environment. Exchange security on network is very important for e-commerce services and it is always the key factor that affects the accomplishment of electronic commerce (e-commerce). In detail two kind of risk analysis methods of the e-commerce security which gauge and assess the e-commerce security risk. And then the risk management strategies of e-commerce security of the e-commerce are addressed. In the end it is pointed out that the study of the risk analysis methods and the management strategies provides an available security framework. This paper present risk analysis measurement and approach for e-commerce. This paper also covers security issues in commercial activities. ... Read more

A Case Study: Security Issues In Mobile Ad Hoc Network

A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self-organizing, infrastructure less, multi-hop network. The wireless and distributed nature of MANETs poses a great challenge to system security designers. Security problems in MANETs have received much attention in the last few years. Most research efforts have been focused on specific security areas, such as establishing trust infrastructure, securing routing protocols, or intrusion detection and response etc. There are several security issues in Mobile Ad Hoc Network having their own advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we review some security issues in MANET as well as their current solutions. ... Read more

Network & Information Security

The terms network security and information security are often used interchangeably. Network security is generally taken as providing protection at the boundaries of an organization by keeping out intruders (crackers). Information security, however, explicitly focuses on protecting data resources from malware attack or simple mistakes by people within an organization by use of data loss prevention (DLP) techniques. Much attention has been focused on the security aspects of existing Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) Wireless LAN system. Pit flaws of WEP (wired equivalent privacy) are covered in this paper. And ORiNOCO and WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) solution are also discussed in that. ... Read more

Changing Facets Of E-Commerce: With Special Reference To Travel And Tourism Industry

Tourism has become the world’s largest industry as international travel has emerged as a major revenue generating industry for many countries. In order to pull travelers to a certain destination, it is essential to understand peoples’ destination selection processes, in which they discriminate and choose a single destination from a larger initial choice set. E-commerce is bringing new business opportunities to the global travel and tourism industry. Tourism-related institutions and Internet companies are joining hands to unleash the potential market created by e-commerce. With penetration of e-commerce in the travel and tourism industry, the sector identifies a number of consistent customer experiences across different channels and involves both international as well as domestic travel in emerging economies. The travel and tourism industry is a worldwide industry, the global character, both from the demand as well as supply side represents one of its dominant features as well as challenges for IT and its applications. The present paper is an attempt to through light on the changing facets of E-commerce and how it has had an impact on various dimensions of travel and tourism industry. With new developments in information technology the past has taught that consumers change behaviors in relationship to travel and tourism planning, reservations, and purchasing. The success of a travel or tourism business is largely dependent on how well they make use of the technology that is available and developing. ... Read more

Knowledge Management: Issues And Challenges

It is very difficult to define knowledge Management in a few sentence or in few word when it is itself is a treasure of all enriched and lavish thought which if starting pouring cannot have the sufficient model or the space to refine the elements of Knowledge management. The dynamics of the knowledge management is different in each one’s life and it varies with age, sex, race, profession, need etc. The nature of Knowledge Management and ways of imparting Knowledge Management is new wave, which has regained from the birth of its ambitious theme of today. The algorithmic approach and rich nation entity has loosened its wall and flown in all direction to enrich all the nations of god gifted pie of land. The Knowledge Management system in the world has the objective of creating intellectual awareness of trends and growth of our economics, social, political and cultural activities and their ethos. Knowledge Management is regarded as a corporate cost savings process to enhance performance capabilities with broader availability and utilization of major corporate knowledge assets. This paper is an attempt to study the issues and challenges that are interwoven with knowledge management. ... Read more

Privacy Preserving Issues In Datamining

This paper talks about threats to privacy that can occur through data mining and then view the privacy problem as a variation of the inference problem in databases and paper addresses the issue of privacy preserving data mining. Specifically, it considers a scenario in which two parties owning confidential databases wish to run a data-mining algorithm on the union of their databases, without revealing any unnecessary information. The above problem is a specific example of secure multi-party computation and assuch, can be solved using known generic protocols. Privacy preserving mining of distributed data has numerous applications. Paper suggests that the solution to this is a tool-kit of components that can becombined for specific privacy preserving data mining applications. Research in secure distributed computation, which was done as part of a larger body of research in the theory of cryptography, has achieved remarkable results. It was shown that non-trusting parties could jointly compute functions of their different inputs while ensuring that no party learns anything but the defined output of the function. ... Read more

A General Comparison Of FFT Algorithms

A large number of FFT algorithms have been developed over the years, notably the Radix-2, Radix-4, Split- Radix, Fast Hartley Transform (FHT), Quick Fourier Transform (QFT), and the Decimation-in-Time-Frequency (DITF) algorithms. How these algorithms fare in comparison with each other is of considerable interest to developers of signal processing technology. In this paper, we present a general analysis and comparison of the aforementioned algorithms. The analysis of each algorithm includes the number of mathematical operations, computation time and memory requirements. The results indicate that the FHT is the overall best algorithm on all platforms, offering the fastest execution time and requiring reasonably small amounts of memory ... Read more

E-Learning: A Tool For Customer Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction

The prevalent usage of computer technology in today’s society has enabled the customers to access much more information than ever before. Computers have been recognized as not only a powerful technology for managing information and enhancing productivity, but also an efficient tool for education and training. E-learning has become a new paradigm and a new philosophy in education with a mission to serve as a development platform for present-day society based on knowledge. Schools, colleges and business spend a great amount of money on computer-based education and training each year in order to remain in the competitive environment and also to retain the customers. E- learning offers tremendous opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills that are as good as offered in the traditional classrooms. In spite of this e-learning courses initiation and completion rate, e-education has not yet conquered the hearts of learners and is still in an infancy stage. Though e-learning is considered to be very attractive as a new learning paradigm it has been observed that having e-learning on the agenda the Indian customer is still facing a lot of problems in this field. E-learning is a relatively new field of research. Even though the use of technologies for learning has been implemented for several decades, the introduction of the Internet has promoted a considerable shift and innovation. The present study focuses on the use and impact of e- learning in the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of customers. The study is carried out on the college youth because it is such a segment which is using the internet maximally for surfing and educational purposes. Convenience sampling technique will be applied for data collection. The questionnaire will be comprised of the various factors that a student looks for in case of e-learning which ultimately leads to satisfaction or dissatisfaction among them. The data is analyzed by using ANOVA. ... Read more

Cloud Computing: A Delicate Balance Of Risk And Benefit

Cloud computing technology is enabling IT to do more with the infrastructure that already exists, as well as adding new ways to expand capacity quickly and economically by using external cloud computing resources. This technology is enabling IT managers to treat infrastructure as a common substrate on which they can provision services to users faster in a much more flexible and cost-effective way –without having to re-design or add to the underlying infrastructure. Given the benefits of cloud computing, its broad appeal is not surprising. However, this new approach does raise some concerns. Chief among them is securing data in the cloud. This paper, will briefly review the basic fundamentals of cloud computing and describe how virtualization and the Cloud initiative are enabling enterprises to move toward a flexible, federated computing model with a cohesive mix of private external and internal cloud environments. It then discusses the risk and benefits of cloud computing. Area to be discuss in this paper: 1. Introduction 2. Fundamentals of Cloud Computing 3. Types of Cloud computing 4. Risk and Benefits of Cloud Computing 5. Conclusion ... Read more

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