CA Prashant Jain

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Re-Examination Of Protocols For Mobile Ah Hoc Network

A mobile ad hoc network is a multi-hop wireless network with dynamically and frequently changing topology. In recent years, with the development of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) technology, various multicast routing protocols such as On Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (AODV), AODV with break avoidance (AODV-BR), Scalable Multipath On Demand Routing (SMORT) protocol, DMSR have been proposed for MANETs. Most of the routing protocols, however, use a single route and do not utilize multiple alternate paths. These protocols have distinguishing features and different applications. This paper provides a control study of many different Routing Protocols by presenting their characteristics and functionality .We also focus on some applications of these protocols. ... Read more

Dynamic Data Grid Replication And Data Consistency

This paper is based on problems of replication in grid computing. The study mainly focuses on replication strategy in data grid environment. I have proposed dynamic services for replicating and maintaining data in grid environments, and directing replicas to appropriate locations for use. To address a problem with the Bandwidth Hierarchy-based Replication (BHR) algorithm, a strategy for maintaining replicas dynamically, I have propose the Dynamic Maintenance Service (DMS). I anticipate striking a balance between improving data access performance and replica consistency in data grids. This work can find out the more efficient ways of utilizing storage space is an important point. ... Read more

Impact Of Electronic Data Interchange In E-Business

1.    Introduction: Electronic Data Interchange is considered as a technical representation between two parties, either internal or external. It refers as a transformation of data ... Read more

A Model For Learning Objects Reusability

Designing systems from scratch is an old fashioned concept nowadays. Availability of reusable components allows the developers to concentrate less on coding but more on reuse of these components in their application. If an application can be developed with such an approach then why not the material designed for E-learning. This paper focuses on Learning objects (LO), the core concept in E-learning reusability and suggests a model to check for reusability of an LO under consideration. Various metrics used in software engineering are used for that purpose. ... Read more

Future Computer And Communication: Our Dream: Actually Fictions

1.     Introduction: Scientific research has conclusively established that man is a part of nature. While the aim of science is to find answer to ... Read more

A Hybrid Arq Protocol With Improved Performance

In recent past several new and modified ARQ protocols are studied in literature in order to achieve higher throughput. Packet combining scheme, Modified Packet Combining scheme, Truncated Packet Transmission Scheme, Bit Oriented XOR based packet transmission scheme are well defined ARQ protocol for error correction either by retransmission or by processing at the receiver. For retransmission, Satry’s multi copies technique was extensively studied by Bhunia whereby it was established to fix multiple copies with number of times retransmission are requested. For correction at the receiver, packet combining scheme suggested by Chakraborty and Multiple Packet Combining scheme introduced by Bhunia are understood. In the paper we propose a hybrid ARQ technique made of multi copies retransmission with packet combining & Multiple packet combining scheme and study its performance in terms of throughput. ... Read more

Kvisimine Applied To Problems In Geographical Information System

Images are highly complex multidimensional signals, with rich and complicated information content in geographical information system. For this reason they are difficult to analyze through a unique automated approach. However a KVISIMINE scheme is helpful for the understanding of image content and data content. In this paper, describes an application K-MEAN clustering algorithm and image information mining for exploration of image information and large volumes data. Geographical Information System, is any system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location. Technically, a GIS is a system that includes mapping software and its application to remote sensing, land surveying, aerial photography, mathematics, photogram metric, geography, and tools that can be implemented with GIS software Building a GIS is a fruitful area if one likes the challenge of having difficult technical problems to solve. Some problems have been solved in other technologies such as CAD or database mana- gement. However, GIS throws up new demands, therefore requiring new solutions. This paper has examine difficult problems, and to be solved and gives some indication of the state of the art of current solutions. ... Read more

Application of Cloud Computing In University Libraries

Technology is changing rapidly and is forming a layer that is touching each and every aspect of life like power grids, traffic control, medical and health care, water supply, food and energy and all the financial transaction of the world. Cloud computing is not an exception in changing the world. Cloud computing provides us virtually unlimited and on – demand computing resources. The infrastructure of cloud computing is such, that it encourages the development of innovation in every field. One such application of cloud is in university library .Emergence of cloud computing in libraries leaves us with many questions that are to be answered. The questions like:- 1. How library can use the cloud to provide effective information to the users? 2. How can the information be shared using the cloud? This paper tries to answer such questions & provides a comprehensive introduction to the application of cloud in university libraries.“The cloud is already there to burst only the library need to start thinking about how they may need to adjust services in order to effectively adapt to how users are interacting with it. ... Read more

Role of Information And Communication Technology In Teacher’s Education

The use of Information and Communication Technologies or (ICT) in academic field is a major point of discussion. Where educators and educational researchers are continuously working for innovative ways of using these technologies to support and enhance student outcomes in education.Use of ICT in education and teaching provide number of benefits, but to avail the facilities of ICT teachers need to have certain level of confidence. They should be prepared to use ICT in teaching and also trained in how to integrate ICT with teaching. The main purpose of this paper is to shows the gap between the ICT curriculum used in various universities to train teachers with what is expected from the international standards, national ICT in education policy and the development of the field of ICT itself. This paper also serves those of the challenges and issues faced by teacher educators in preparing and using ICT training curriculum for the next generation of teachers in the face of rising globalization. ... Read more

Mobile Commerce The Next Big Leap In India

Mobile commerce is a new trend where any transaction with a monetary value is conducted in a wireless environment by using mobile devices.While shopping if you are short of money or while traveling you feel that you don’t have money to pay to the driver or at the filling station you need to pay the money and you find your wallet empty then what will you do? But now a days the help is on the way and that is mobile commerce. It has grown to large extent in the world but in India it is still confined to basic banking transactions, purchase of travel tickets and payment of some utility bills. But now banks, cellular operators and payment service providers are finding solutions that can comply with regulatory guidelines. This paper mainly describes the sectors where mobile commerce can be used and the future challenges that we need to face in India. ... Read more

Knowledge Management – A Challenge For Smaller-Sized Enterprises

Today success and worth of a business depend more on its intellectual capital than on its physical. Therefore, Knowledge Management (KM) has become a critical input in the growth of SMEs. Globalization of supply chains, rapid technological advances, and superior returns on intellectual capital, growing importance of knowledge-intensive industries make KM a strategic tool in the growth and success of businesses. Access and integration of SMEs with regional, national and international supply chains require bridging the gaps between the requirements of supply chains and efficiency of SMEs' KM system besides their capability. KM process involves: knowledge capture, knowledge organizing and storage, distribution and sharing. Successful knowledge management results in the best possible means to apply and leverage the knowledge that has been captured, organized and stored, distributed and shared. It means that very little of the company's highly valued intellectual capital has escaped the knowledge management net. Virtually all the knowledge within the enterprise is harnessed, and will be used as part of the company's core business and competitive intelligence strategy. KM-enabled SMEs are essential for competitive and sustainable growth. In developing countries, a vast majority of SMEs are suffering from market failures due to insufficient provision for integrated, reliable, relevant and solution-oriented business information. SMEs need support for effective linking with global markets both for their inputs and outputs. Businesses leveraging knowledge resources can make decisions faster and closer to point of action. It is obvious that the smaller-sized company also needs to capture and intelligently exploit its knowledge. ... Read more

Dynamic Access And Emergence Mechanism For Collaborative Adaptive Systems From Agent’s Base

The main issue in human-machine interaction is obtained a "collaboration situation" between a human user and a computer system. The system must be attuned to the user, and the user to the system. "Good" conventions and guidelines shift the entire burden of adaptation to the user adoption, and the design restrictions that they impose are geared towards easing this task form the user to from specification and requirements of adoption by learning strategies [1].But providing such a list of technologies does not capture the essential feature of the intelligent interface research area: an intelligent interface must utilize technology to make an improvement: the resulting interface should be better than any other solution, not just different and technically more advanced but should be more capable on aspects of technology, eases of acceptance and flexible to move between environment: user modeling and natural language dialogue used to denote a scheme of that the system maintains, and adapts its behavior to interface access adoption by collaborative learning from system agent base and same time maintaining a system base for interface adoption between system to system environment and system to user access and process listing in selected services and grouping of protocol enabled agent base which maintain system environment access and learning base of adoption strategies. Development of adaptive systems reinforces the need to "know thy system environment ". The interface is set at design time but it is changeable for objective perspective. Adaptive systems may require more up-front environment analysis, since not only does the system designer need to know the user, that knowledge also must be embedded into the system ... Read more

Knowledge Management: A Tool For An Efficient Organization

The paper takes an in-depth look at knowledge management, a comparatively new business concept that is attracting the consideration of informed and global-oriented companies because of its promise to introduce new rudiments of flexibility and efficiency in the entire business spectrum - from management, plant and production to front line activities. This paper explains how knowledge management benefits businesses and the business community. It discusses how the need for active knowledge management in numerous companies is understood and acknowledged. The paper studies that how often, in practice, this understanding is misconstrued to a false belief that sophisticated and expensive information technology (IT) suffices for good knowledge management. It looks at the requirements of knowledge management and the role played by business intelligence in knowledge management. Further, the differences between organizations' actual and perceived success in knowledge management are discussed. The paper further examines how success, deemed as a firm's ability to generate sustainable growth and profits, is determined not only by knowledge management but intricately linked to the humans who seek straight forward business solutions and constructively counter challenges. ... Read more

Data Warehousing And Data Mining

This paper describes a new approach to fast multimedia information retrieval with data mining and data ware housing techniques. To tackle the key issues such as multimedia data indexing, similarity measures, search methods and query processing in retrieval for large multimedia data archives, we extend the concepts of conventional data warehouse and multimedia data warehouse for effective data representation and storage. In this study the technological advances are making this vision a reality for many organizations. Here, we would be discussing about the benefits that and organization will get through the use of data mining. We will be discussing about the various stages about the predictive data mining like, the initial exploration, model building or pattern identification with validation/verification, and deployment. It discusses about the various strategic applications of data mining and data warehousing. In addition, we propose a fuzzy neural network to provide automatic and autonomous classification for the retrieval outputs by integrating fuzzy logic technology and the Back Propagation Feed Forward (BPFF) neural network. A series of case studies are reported to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. ... Read more

Knowledge Management- (A Tool For Managing Intellectual Excellence.)

Knowledge refers to a person’s state of being with respect to some body of information. These states include ignorance, awareness, familiarity, understanding, facility and so on. Knowledge management comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice. ... Read more

Impact Of Information Technology On Employee Retention In Today’s Competitive Business Environment

In today’s business environment the explosion of Information technology has completely Transformed the structure of the organizations. But to retain the valuable employees is one of the biggest problems now-a-days. This paper focuses on the aspects of Information Technology and employee retention strategies and polices in assisting managers for achieving its objectives towards managing the employee retention by utilizing survey data drawn from various government and private departments, and to remain competitive in this area. ... Read more

Data Mining Problem Solving Algorithms & Their Comparative Study

This paper presents the comparison schemes between mining algos identified by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) are : C4.5, k-Means, Apriori, FP growth, Page Rank, Ada Boost, kNN, and CART. These algos are among the most influential data mining algorithms in the research community. With each algorithm, we provide a description of the algorithm, comparison between these algos, discuss the impact of the algorithm, and review current and further research on the algos. These algorithms cover classification. ... Read more

A Comprehensive approach on Grid Computing

Today we are in the Internet world and everyone prefers to enjoy fast access to the Internet. But due to multiple downloading, there is a chance that the system hangs up or slows down the performance that leads to the restarting of the entire process from the beginning. This is one of the serious problems that need the attention of the researchers.So we have taken this problem for our research and in this paper we are providing a layout for implementing our proposed Grid Model that can access the Internet very fast. By using our Grid we can easily download any number of files very fast depending on the number of systems employed in the Grid. We have used the concept of Grid Computing for this purpose. ... Read more

Software Security: An Emerging Problem In Software Engineering

The objective of this research paper is to discuss the software security as a problem in software engineering. The solution of this problem leads to the new constructive approach to the modeling, specification and analysis of application specific security requirements. The approach is based on a framework we developed before for generating and resolving obstacles to requirements achievement. Our framework intentional obstacles set up by attackers to break security goals. Attack tree are derived systematically through anti-goal refinement until leaf nodes are reached that are software vulnerabilities observable by the attacker or anti-requirements implementable by this attacker. New security requirements are then obtained as countermeasures by application of threat resolution operators to the anti requirements and vulnerabilities revealed by the analysis. The paper also introduces formal epistemic specification constructs and patterns that may be used to support a formal derivation and analysis process. The method is illustrated on a web-based system for which subtle attacks have been reported recently. ... Read more

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