CA Prashant Jain

total: 873 | displaying: 861 - 873

An Analytical View on Emerging Trends & Challenges in Outsourcing in India

The beginning of new millennium is witnessing info-tech revolution called IT enabled services. They are business process and services delivered over networks or the Internet to a wide range of business areas and verticals. The technology is used as a tool to provide these services, of which most of the functions are human intensive. Due to the human intensive nature these processes and services are outsourced in order to derive cost and advantage without sacrificing quality and efficiency. In recent years, businesses have outsourced their data centres, application management activities and, finally, non-core, transactional processes to reduce costs and improve their ability to focus on more strategic issues. Today, companies are recognizing that they need to take advantage of low cost sourcing options wherever they may be in the world. Many are flocking to foreign shores for high-quality, cost-effective outsourcing services. While India is the reigning offshore capital for technology capabilities, any country with the right conditions, including but not limited to a large population of skilled workers with the requisite language skills, is a potential sourcing option. Now, thanks in part to the economic benefits of offshore sourcing options, the field of business process outsourcing (BPO) has emerged, allowing a company to outsource an entire process or business function—such as Human Resources, Training, Call Centers and Finance & Accounting—to a third-party service provider. Utilizing global sourcing, companies can outsource many business processes for a fraction of the cost of running the same functions in their home countries. In addition to cost savings, companies can benefit from efficient, high-quality and repeatable processes that generate business performance improvements.

Green Computing: A Pioneer from Hazardous Machines to Adjuvant Technology

In today’s scenario computer has become a part of life. Undoubtedly computer has changed our life to such an extent that without it our daily lives cannot be imagined. It is providing incredible facilities. Whether it is about education, or medical science, or entertainment, or any other field, nothing has been left untouched by computer. But still only one side of coin is being appreciated; the other darker side is yet to be analyzed. As has happened till now, we the human beings keep on ignoring many important issues for facilities and luxuries. We never think that the things which we have invented to make our lives easier are in fact harming our lives. Because of the dependency on computer several environmental damages are caused. Human have been polluting the planet and consuming its natural resources as a consequence of their production, consumption and disposal of desirable goods and services. We have included computer as a part of life quite easily without analyzing its harmful effects. It is injurious for our life and for our Earth. While using it the gases it extracts, and its useless parts in the form of e-waste are equally polluting the lands, the water, and the air. The goal of this paper is to inform about all these threats of a computer. Along with this instead of being hazardous one cant reject the utilities and importance of computers. So finding out any substitute, any idea, by which these harms can be reduced or fully vanished, is another important motive of this paper. Green Computing is emerged out as a solution to hazardous effect of computers. It has pioneered human beings to make the technology echo-friendly and less harmful.

A Study of Eating Habits of Working Professionals at Indore City

Purpose: The paper aims at studying the eating habits of working professionals at Indore city and to find out the influencing factors with respect to customer preferences and satisfaction towards vegetarian-restaurants. Data Methodology: Primary data has been collected through structured questionnaire. Pilot Survey has also been taken into consideration for the purpose of references. Data analysis and interpretation has been conducted using statistical tools - descriptive statistics (mean and variance, percentage analysis, correlation analysis and regression Analysis, non parametric test (chi square), multivariate analysis (Bartlett’s test, factor analysis) has been used for rotational matrix with the help of statistical database viz. SPSS 11.0, SPSS 15.0, SYSTAT12.0 Originality and Value: In today’s fast paced life with growing trends like working couple, stretched and flexible work hours etc. the food habits of young professionals is rapidly shifting from traditional Indian home food towards fast food. In such environment demand for fast food restaurant is increasing day by day. The current study laid foundation for restaurant owners to device their business strategies.

Distribution Management at Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association

History of Dabbawalas:- The word "Dabbawala" in Marathi when literally translated means "one who carries a box". "Dabba" means a box (usually a cylindrical tin or aluminium container), while "wala" is a suffix, denoting a doer or holder of the preceding word. The closest meaning of the Dabbawala in English would be the "lunch box delivery man". Though this profession seems to be simple, it is actually a highly specialized service in Mumbai which is over a century old and has become integral to the cultural life of this city. The concept of the dabbawala originated when India was under British rule. Many British people who came to the colony did not like the local food, so a service was set up to bring lunch to these people in their workplace straight from their home. Nowadays, although Indian business men are the main customers for the dabbawalas, increasingly affluent families employ them instead for lunch delivery to their school-aged children. Even though the services provided might include cooking, it primarily consists of only delivery either home-made or in that latter case, food ordered from a restaurant. The dabbawala originated when a person named Mahadeo Havaji Bachche started the lunch delivery service with about 100 men. Nowadays, Indian businessmen are the main customers for the dabbawalas, and the service often includes cooking as well as delivery. For over 115 years these lunch deliverymen who were subsequently started to be called Dabbawalas have been collecting lunch packed in three or two-tier metal boxes (called dabbas) from subscribers' homes and delivering them to their workplaces. Today the 5,000 Dabbawalas make about 200,000 lunch deliveries in the city and have become famous for their clockwork precision and efficiency.

Industrial Buying Behaviour towards Maintenance, Repair, and Operation Services

The research paper is on industrial buying behavior towards maintenance, repair and operation services. The aim with this paper is to know about the industrial buying behavior in to propose a guideline to industries during to purchase. The focus in industries, as well as in other asset-intensive industries, has shifted from buying and selling large machine installations to a more service-oriented perspective. An important part of industrial services is MRO services, and it is therefore an interesting area for research. In this research we discuss about how does buying process perform in the industries and what are the factors affect to this process? In this research paper we discuss about the buying center, buying process and the factors affecting to this process.

Behavioral study of TCP Tahoe, Reno, New-Reno Vegas, and Lite

Comparing to wired networks, there are many different characteristics in wireless environments, such as higher error rate, longer delay, lower bandwidth, frequent mobility and so on, which makes TCP congestion control mechanisms not directly suitable for wireless networks, and many improved TCP congestion control mechanisms have been presented. The main goal of these mechanisms was to successfully manage congestion, reliably handle loss, and minimize transmission errors. In this paper, we analyze and compare the different congestion control and avoidance mechanisms which have been proposed for TCP/IP protocols, namely: Tahoe, Reno, New-Reno, Lite, TCP Vegas and SACK. Study of these variants provides guidelines for improved congestion and corruption control in mobile ad-hoc network

Future Prospective Of Indian Automobiles with Special Reference to Two-Wheeler & Motor Cycle Segment

The automobile industry in India is the eleventh largest in the world with an annual production of approximately 2 million units. India’s motorcycle market is also the second largest in the world with annual sales of about 5 million units. India is the second largest producer of two-wheelers in the world. In the last few years, the Indian two-wheeler industry has seen spectacular growth. The paper examines the overall issues concerning the industry.

The Development of a Supply Chain Management Process Maturity Model Using the Concepts of Business Process Orientation

TQM is a management approach of an organization, centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all members of the organization and to society. TQM is a strategy for continuously improving performance at all levels and in all areas of responsibility. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, government, and service industries. In this research paper I am going to discuss about the TQM that how the TQM act important role in any an organization as a process of ongoing improvement. This research paper is base on secondary data which has been collected from books, journals, magazines, newspaper, internet etc.

Total Quality Management as a Process of Ongoing Improvement

TQM is a management approach of an organization, centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all members of the organization and to society. TQM is a strategy for continuously improving performance at all levels and in all areas of responsibility. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, government, and service industries. In this research paper I am going to discuss about the TQM that how the TQM act important role in any an organization as a process of ongoing improvement. This research paper is base on secondary data which has been collected from books, journals, magazines, newspaper, internet etc.

Management Education in Madhya Pradesh: An Overview

Management education in India is fast undergoing a radical change. The two current developments sweeping India, namely liberalization and globalization, have had a considerable impact on management education. It's hard for younger people to understand that this thing we're talking about, management education is just 100 years old. Now, we are in the early stages of what is really going to be a golden century for management education, in which customers are huge beneficiaries of what's going to happen. We'll see new offerings, new aggregation [of programs]. We assemble talent, we educate, we do professional development, and we do career counseling. The demand for what we do is going to be huge in this century. And I think because of new competition, which is healthy, and because of technology, and because of global reach, people around the world are going to get what they need, which is the knowledge and the professional skills to really make these market economies work.

Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

Health is a both a cause and effect of a nation’s economic development. The pharmaceutical industry in India is emerging as a strong player in the world market with its cost effectiveness and tremendous research potential. This also goes to say the pharma industry is benefiting the society with its ample opportunities in various departments. Players in the Indian pharmaceutical industry include: branded drug manufacturers, generic drug manufacturers, firms developing biopharmaceutical products, nonprescription drug manufacturers, and firms undertaking contract research. In addition, there are also enablers of the industry such as universities, hospitals and research centers that play a role in R&D activities. The pharmaceutical industry is growing at a rapid pace with dreadful diseases and illnesses still not under control and with a significant death rate shared among cancer, diabetes and heart diseases to name a few. The growth rate is estimated to be at 8-9 % worldwide and a turnover of around US$ 700 billion. Of these the United States (US) has the lion’s share with (48% share), European Union (EU) (28%share) and Japan with a share of 12%, and the rest of the world, including India, contributes around 20%. However India ranks 4th in terms of volume with a share of 8% in the world pharmaceutical market and only 13th in terms of value. The annual turnover of the Indian pharmaceutical industry is approximately, US$ 20 billion.

Green Supply Chain Management in Indian Automobile Industry

One of the biggest challenges for each Industry in current market is the growing need for integrating environmentally sound choices into Supply Chain practices. The waste and emission caused by the Supply Chain have become the main sources of serious environmental problems including global warming and acid rain. The Supply Chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers themselves. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has helped reduce the ecological impacts of industrial activity. As a more systematic and integrated strategy GSCM has emerged as an important innovation that helps organizations develop ‘win-win’ strategies that achieve profit and market share objective by lowering their environmental risks and impacts, while raising their ecological efficiency. GSCM includes Green Purchasing and Cooperation with customers including environmental requirements, investment recovery, and eco-design practices. GSCM attaches great importance to environmental protection and green philosophy. It seeks to change the traditional linear model chain which from suppliers to user and bring the recycling economy into the Management of Supply Chain. The paper studies current status of The Green practices adopted by the Indian Automobile Industry in their Supply Chain for Environment soundness and Performance

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