CA Prashant Jain

total: 873 | displaying: 541 - 560

Distributed Remote Architectures Neural Base Mining

middleware and middleware standards that can be readily exploited for distributed computing applications by the SIP community. High performance computing and High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC), applications will benefit significantly from highly efficient & portable computational middleware for signal & image processing. Open middleware standards such as VSIPL, MPI, CORBA, encoding and SOAP –based messaging protocols. More specifically, we will be focused on the appropriate use of such technologies for implementing new SIP applications, or extending legacy applications through the use of these technologies. The three middleware standards we have selected all have certain commonalities. All are based around the concept of a client application using the services available on a remote machine, or server. A remote executable object that implements one or more exposed interfaces provides these services. The object’s interface represents a contract between the client and the server. This interface is written as a Java interface for Java RMI, in IDL for CORBA, and in WSDL for web services. In the latter two cases, the more generic descriptions can be translated intospecific language imp lementations, ... Read more

P-Ram Algorithms And Data Structures For Sparse Linear Systems

e have studied the variations in the matrix elements through Gauss Elimination. We know that in Gauss elimination a nonzero position in position jk, implied that there was also a non zero position in kj, which would cause fill to occur in position i, j when row k was used to eliminate the element in position ik. This process may be performed in general by creating zeros in the first column, then the second and so forth. For k=1,2,...,n-1 we use the formulae ... Read more

Cyber Crime And Its Implications

The growing danger from crimes committed against computers, or against information on computers, is beginning to claim attention in national capitals. In most countries around the world, however, existing laws are likely to be unenforceable against such crimes. This lack of legal protection means that businesses and governments must rely solely on technical measures to protect themselves from those who would steal or destroy valuable information. Crime is a social and economic phenomenon and is as old as the human society. As, Life is about a mix of good and evil, so is the Internet. For all the good it does to us, cyberspace has its dark sides too The idea of Cyber crime is not new, yet there is significant confusion amongst academics, computer security experts and users as to the extent of real Cyber crimes. In this paper, we explore the breadth of computer-based crime, providing a definition of the emerging terms Cyber crimes. In this paper we will try discuss almost every aspect of cyber crime, like meaning then we divide Cyber crime into three distinct categories: Type I Cyber crimes against persons. Type II Cyber crimes against property. Type III Cyber crimes against government. We are describing its classification and explain the Law of cyber crime. And explain the REASONS of cyber crime and who the cyber criminal is and how to prevent from this crime then we use some case studies to illustrate the role different types of Cyber crime, and offer some observations on the role of cognition in the process of Cyber crime. Finally we provide several suggestions for future work in the area of Cyber Crime. ... Read more

Model Driven Architecture (MDA)

The Model Driven Architecture (MDA), separates the system business aspects from the system implementation aspects on a specific technology platform. MDA proposes a software development process in which the key notions are models and model transformation, where the input models are platform independent and the output models are platform specific and can be transformed into a format that is executable. The principles of MDA for the task of study program development are applied using two hemispheres model driven (2HMD), approach, which assumes modeling and use of procedural and conceptual knowledge and may be applied in the context of modeling the knowledge about the domain. From the point of view of 2HMD approach each course of the study program may be considered as a knowledge provider, which satisfies particular knowledge requirements. The particular Specific knowledge requirements are derived from the knowledge model that consists of functional and conceptual hemispheres, which reflect knowledge derived from original academic or industrial requirements or standards. ... Read more

Grid Computing: A Virtual Organization

It is a great challenge for the scientific community to provide information online with low prices in this era of competition. In today’s world computer users are globally located. The grid is essentially a heterogeneous collection of computational and storage resources, thereby leading to many related challenges. These challenges require dealing with diversity in the terms of local resources, dynamic nature of the local resources, creation and management of services and maintaining the Quality of Service (QoS), Since grid is inherently a parallel and distributed system, the key issues regarding design of the grid, data locality and availability, implementation, scalability, anatomy, privacy, maintenance, fault tolerance, security, etc come into picture and need to be addressed. These issues demand new technical approaches for the grid environment. ... Read more

Mutual Diligence Business In Supply Chains - A Dynamics Business System Approach

Abstract In this paper, we have considered the multiple stage supply chain where agents order, produce and distribute goods while considering uncertainties of customers’ behavior. Generally, those operational risks result in undesirable effects of the supply chain, e.g. bullwhip effects. We model the problem in terms of system dynamics which seems adequate for a process-oriented perspective where time is a decisive factor. The original model developed by Forrester (1958) is extended by integrating data warehouse architectures which make the collaborative processes between the agents more handy. Key figures of the analysis are the bullwhip effect, the maximum production rate and imbalance period. Some supply chain models are tested by simulation runs where the parameters are adapted to different scenarios. It is shown that, generally, a reduction of the delivery time has a greater influence on the performance of the supply chain than the improvement of mutual trust between the partners. ... Read more

Supply Chain Relationships Among Strategy, Flexibility And Performance: A Theoretical Framework

Abstract In today’s global business environment, concepts are moving towards inter-national contrary to yester years. This has made companies to explore the new ways to leverage their supply chain and to develop a strategic approach. A strategic approach with flexibility is helpful to increase the overall performance of the organization and to respond customer requirements. Consequently, in order to maintain cut-throat competition in the market and to be able to satisfy end customers, supply chain strategy (SCS) must be aligned with the supply chain flexibility (SCF). With a large number of SCS dimensions and SCF dimensions, it is not feasible to practice each dimensions. The study aims to classify them in a suitable manner, which is helpful to the organizations to select a correct mix of SCS and SCF dimensions to increase supply chain performance (SCP). The purpose of this study is to identify all the dimensions of SCS and SCF. In addition, this study also aims to identify SCP dimensions. Later on, the relationships among SCS, SCF and SCP are identified through a theoretical model. The findings from various literatures are compared and analyzed. Thus guidelines are developed. ... Read more

Unique Identification Number: A New Way Of Identification

Unique Identification Number (UID) is a recently finalized initiative by the Government of India to create and manage a centralized identification system for all the adult citizens and residents of India, which can be utilized for a variety of identification purposes. Nandan Nilekani former co-chairman of Infosys has been appointed as the head of Unique Identification Authority of India and will have a ministerial rank. In the proposed paper we will talk about the UID and its implications with reference to India. ... Read more

Information Ethics: A Social Responsibility

We know that our world has become globalize; technologies developed in one country quickly spread around the world. As computers become central to our lives, much writing and thinking has been done about the ethical dimension of Information. Technology. Themes such as privacy, intellectual property, and the digital divide have been studied for years. Information Ethics is the field that investigates the ethical issues arising from the development and application of information technologies.This paper draws a light on some current issues and ethical dilemmas with refference to Cyber Crimes, Unethical Hacking in Information Technology that is related to major issues like privacy, security, environmental issues moral issues and community responsibility. ... Read more

A New Approach On Computer Networking For Cyber Criminals By Using Markov Chain Model

The use of internet is popular among youth of every contrary. This has provided business to internet operators because of this a competition has been generated among service providers to catch-up more and more traffic proportion of users many internet café exist in city having internet connectivity of many operators. In the market many type of users are situated. Some users have crime category behavior and have attitudes of criminals like hacking the site, blocking the mail, chatting unauthorized users etc.The crime users after getting success in call connection performs cyber crime.Naldi(2002) have made an attempt to describe traffic sharing under the multi operator environment with the help of Markov chain model. This paper presents performance analysis for cyber criminals in computer network. Simulation methodology is performing to support the mathematical finding. ... Read more

New Paradigm In Supply Chain Management

Today, the need for integrated, global supply chain management is largely unquestioned. It is accepted, for example, that supply chain leaders usually work more effectively with external business partners. They also tend to design, build, move, store, sell and service their products with greater speed and economy. Now, more than ever, supply chains are regarded as sources of business value. ... Read more

Utility Of Ubiquitous Computing

The term ubiquitous implies that technology is everywhere and we use it all the time. ubiquitous computing is global and local, social and personal, public and private, invisible and visible, an aspect of both knowledge creation and information dissemination. Ubiquitous computing is changing our daily activities in a variety of ways such as communicate in different ways, conceive and use geographical and temporal spaces differently.This paper discuss on applications of ubiquitous computing. It identifies different application areas such as Communications, Logistics, E-commerce, Inner security. ... Read more

A Model For Learning Objects Reusability

Designing systems from scratch is an old fashioned concept nowadays. Availability of reusable components allows the developers to concentrate less on coding but more on reuse of these components in their application. If an application can be developed with such an approach then why not the material designed for E-learning. This paper focuses on Learning objects (LO), the core concept in E-learning reusability and suggests a model to check for reusability of an LO under consideration. Various metrics used in software engineering are used for that purpose. ... Read more

Future Computer And Communication: Our Dream: Actually Fictions

1.     Introduction: Scientific research has conclusively established that man is a part of nature. While the aim of science is to find answer to ... Read more

A Hybrid Arq Protocol With Improved Performance

In recent past several new and modified ARQ protocols are studied in literature in order to achieve higher throughput. Packet combining scheme, Modified Packet Combining scheme, Truncated Packet Transmission Scheme, Bit Oriented XOR based packet transmission scheme are well defined ARQ protocol for error correction either by retransmission or by processing at the receiver. For retransmission, Satry’s multi copies technique was extensively studied by Bhunia whereby it was established to fix multiple copies with number of times retransmission are requested. For correction at the receiver, packet combining scheme suggested by Chakraborty and Multiple Packet Combining scheme introduced by Bhunia are understood. In the paper we propose a hybrid ARQ technique made of multi copies retransmission with packet combining & Multiple packet combining scheme and study its performance in terms of throughput. ... Read more

Kvisimine Applied- Problems In Geographical Information System

Images are highly complex multidimensional signals, with rich and complicated information content in geographical information system. For this reason they are difficult to analyze through a unique automated approach. However a KVISIMINE scheme is helpful for the understanding of image content and data content. In this paper, describes an application K-MEAN clustering algorithm and image information mining for exploration of image information and large volumes data. Geographical Information System, is any system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location. Technically, a GIS is a system that includes mapping software and its application to remote sensing, land surveying, aerial photography, mathematics, photogram metric, geography, and tools that can be implemented with GIS software Building a GIS is a fruitful area if one likes the challenge of having difficult technical problems to solve. Some problems have been solved in other technologies such as CAD or database mana- gement. However, GIS throws up new demands, therefore requiring new solutions. This paper has examine difficult problems, and to be solved and gives some indication of the state of the art of current solutions. ... Read more

Strategic System Planning In Edi Implementation

Now a day, for efficient business transactions and faster movement of information and money, many organizations have started implementing EDI systems. Big organizations are encouraging their suppliers for implementing the same so that there is faster data movement with accuracy. But, there are lot many issues that need to deal with while implementing EDI system. Present paper discusses the strategic system planning required for EDI Implementations which includes: Determination of Business and Information Needs; Defining the EDI Targets; Defining and selecting EDI Strategy; and Developing the Implementation Plan ... Read more

Cloud Computing: An Innovation To Business Solution

Today, the most popular applications are Internet services with millions of users. Websites like Google, Yahoo! and Facebook receive millions of clicks daily. This generates terabytes of invaluable data which can be used to improve online advertising strategies and user satisfaction. Real time capturing, storage, and analysis of this data are common needs of all high-end online applications. To address these problems, cloud computing technology provides various standard models and methods. Cloud computing is a style of computing where dynamically scalable and virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. The cloud refers to the datacenter hardware and software that supports a clients needs, often in the form of data stores and remotely hosted applications. Cloud computing is a buzzword and umbrella term applied to several nascent trends in the turbulent landscape of information technology. Computing in the “cloud” alludes to ubiquitous and inexhaustible on-demand IT resources accessible through the Internet. Practically every new Internet-based service from Gmail to Amazon Web Services to Microsoft Online Services to even Facebook have been labeled “cloud” offerings, either officially or externally Cloud--computing is quickly becoming a useful collaboration tool in businesses and universities. We also focus on the service providers for cloud computing systems. Each of the Cloud providers have their own set of pricing, billing, flexibility, support and other important parameters in their model of computing the service. We will consider all these aspects for our study. ... Read more

Knowledge Management – Success Dynamite For Business School

In its simplest form, knowledge management is about having the capability for getting the "right" information to the "right" people on a timely basis. Academic institutions in particular management institutes (also called as business schools) have taken more interest recently in introducing KM approaches. From the academic learning point of view Knowledge Management (KM) by its nature especially is suitable. Business schools (B-schools) use information technology based tools for admissions, registrations, time table processing and performance evaluations of their faculty, students, staff and administrations. The paper presents a conceptual framework as an attempt for analyzing four phase KM methodology as one of the Knowledge Management tools in the context of Knowledge Management (KM) in Business Schools (B-schools) in India. We believe that if the framework is adopted in business schools, it will yield more benefits to increase the quality of knowledge sharing. ... Read more

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