CA Prashant Jain

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Analytical Study of Importance of Behavioral Finance

 Purpose of research: The paper helps to understand the concept of 'Behavioral Finance' and how it helps to deepen ones client relationships. It has been ... Read more

Determinants of Negative Attitude Towards Online Shopping

On-line shopping has seen a high growth in the last few years. Customers in metro cities as well as in growing cities like Indore have ... Read more

Apparel Shopping Behavior: A Snapshot

Shopping behavior is a complex and multidimensional concept. Consumers’ are now in a more involved manner into apparel shopping than ever before. But the perception ... Read more

Social Media Marketing: A Paradigm Shift in Business

This is the era of borderless world. Social Networks have undergone a dramatic growth in recent years. The rapid growth of social networking taking place ... Read more

A Study on Food and Beverages Television Advertisement on Food Consumption Behavior

Advertising aims to influence audiences by informing or reminding them of the existence of the brand or at a higher level, persuading or helping the ... Read more

CSR Funds in Banking Sector as an Effective Means for Financial Inclusion Initiatives in India

The objective of the financial inclusion initiatives is to ensure that everyone, particularly poor people has access to the financial services and products. The banking ... Read more

Influence of Age and Income on Online Shopping Adoption

In the recent years trend is observed wherein purchasing by ‘click’ is gaining ground over traditional ‘brick’ model. This has become international phenomenon. As online ... Read more

The Impact of Trust on Acceptance of Internet Banking

In today’s world Internet Banking is growing day by day. It has been a successful tool in our country to reduce the bank’s working cost ... Read more

The Current Trends in Bancassurance Channel of Life Insurance Sector in India

Bancassurance is the blend of the terms 'Bank' and 'Insurance'. In this kind of arrangement, the insurance product is sold through banks. This paper attempts ... Read more

A Study of Gender and Age as a Determinant of Organizational Commitment In Banks

Organizational commitment is a feeling of dedication to one’s employing organization, willingness to work hard for that employer, and the intent to remain with that ... Read more

Futuristic Approach Towards HR Emerging Trends: A Perspective

In the global advancement HR creates a need for the organizations to adapt the changes in technology and the changing issues in management of people. ... Read more

A Study on Impact of Change in Brand Logo of Videocon on Customer Perception

Branding needs a shift of tactics and thinking on the part of marketing executives. With ever increasing customer awareness levels, marketers can no longer afford ... Read more

Importance of Nurturing Values and Ethics in Business with Special Reference to Corrupted Indian Economy

The paper seeks to draw attention on the importance of following ethical values in businesses in the contemporary Indian society which is profoundly entrenched under ... Read more

Role of Educational Institutions in Entrepreneurship Development

India has been growing at a quite high rate in the recent years, and is possible to be the largest economy in the world by ... Read more

A Comparative Study of Restructured Advances of Public Sector Banks and Private Banks

When the company cannot meet with its financial obligations or paying the debts when they are due, the company can be considered to lead to ... Read more

Employee Relations – A Study to Understand Its Impact on Talent Management in Information Technology Organizations

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to clarify what is meant by Employee Relations and why it is important particularly with respect to its ... Read more

Talent Acquisition, Management and Retention: A Conceptual Study

The business environment in emerging markets for the next 10-20 years will be challenging due to talent shortages and fierce competition for competent and trained ... Read more

Business Growth Through Disruptive Innovations

The term "disruptive technology" has been widely used as a synonym of "disruptive innovation", but the latter is now preferred, because market disruption has been ... Read more

The Role of Venture Capital in The Economic Development

The venture capital industry in India has grown significantly in recent years. It plays an important role in promoting a more innovative economy by providing ... Read more

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