CA Prashant Jain

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Quality Management in Higher Education

“Education”- a boon bestowed upon us by God, a panacea, a remedy for every social, economic, and life problems. “Education”- meant to enlighten, empower and inculcate wisdom within each of us is being rendered useless and has entirely deviated from its motive and instead of serving expansion, upliftment, and evolution of beings has just shrinked to the means of earning two square meals. Education a birth right of every individual has become the rarest of rare luxuries which only the filthy and affluent can rejoice to afford. Education which once fostered values, ethics, and humanity have commercialized professionalized and has just confined to money minting and selling. We proudly boast of having reached so far in science, technology and other issues but does that fulfill the objective of education? Is our education nurturing the young buds to bloom and spread the fragrance of patriotism, character, oneness and brotherhood in the world is a question that needs grave attention. ... Read more

Competency Factors Of B-School Teachers In Kolkata

Human Competencies are becoming a frequently-used and written-about vehicle for organizational applications. It is also obvious that for the growth and development of organization there is a need to identify the competencies required to perform successfully a given job or role or a set of tasks at a given point of time or in other words mapping of competency. Academic departments operate largely in an informational vacuum when it comes to knowledge about the standards, staffing practices, resources, research expectations, and so forth of departments in their discipline. Apart from that the change in patterns of education governance is not complete, and is uncertain of outcome. Also, that additional pressure for education standards has come from the public interest and industry requirement in overall higher achievement. In view with this, in present study core competency areas for the postgraduate B-School teachers were considered for subject of investigation. Core competency factors were identified from literature survey and perception through free and open interaction with the final semester students of management. On the basis of those, Questionnaire was prepared and face validity was determined. Through judgment sampling faculty of different management schools were selected for primary data collection. It was found that Competency for teaching in B-school can be in two significant core areas viz. Experience and Job itself. This study will help the B-School management to develop their own procedures for selecting and determine the level of riders for generation of standard output by the B-school teachers. ... Read more

Managing Management Institutions

With over 1000 Management Institutions, it is a matter of contemplation that how does India’s system of management education compare with the quality of management ... Read more

A Study On Mapping Job Satisfaction and Its Effect on Competency Inclusiveness among the Teaching Faculties

It is known that research into job satisfaction started in the field of industry and business administration, with a special emphasis being laid on the ... Read more

An Insight Into Ethical Issues In Higher Education With Reference To India

1.    Introduction: India is a spiritual land of Rishi, Muni, saints and prophet where religion is the core mechanism of all the activities from ancient ... Read more

शिक्षकों व पाठ्यक्रमों में गुणवत्ता लाना होगी

वैश्विक प्रतिस्पर्धा के इस युग मेंें यह सबसे अहम यह है कि हम अपनी शिक्षा प्रणाली और ज्ञान के  ढांचे में योजनाबद्ध परिवर्तन लाएं, ताकि ... Read more

Quality Management In Higher Education

Quality has become the defining element of education in the 21st Century in the context of new social realities. Quality in Higher education provides opportunities for long life learning, allowing people to upgrade their knowledge and skills from time to time based on society needs. Quality management, in the higher education context, also covers the quality terminology: control, assurance and improvement. It encompasses those processes, “by which an institution discharges its corporate responsibility for articulating, maintaining and enhancing the academic standards of those activities for which it is responsible “and ensures that these processes are performed efficiently and effectively. The overall objective of this paper is to highlight the general principles of TQM involved and to point out how this approach has been and can be used to improve the quality of an academic institution. In this paper(artical) it has been tried to bring out clear status of higher education and emergent needs to enhance the quality of higher education. The main objective of this work is to highlight the general principles of TQM to point out how this approach can be used to improve the quality of academic institution. The objective is conducted towards an evaluation and assessment of the current quality of work in higher education. After realizing the importance of higher education a lot of innovative experiments are done to improve the performance of this sector. The way in which universities are working with quality issues will be compared with a TQM approach and the weakness and strength of the work of this institution will be recognized. After reviewing the problems in higher education many authors and the principles of TQM offer many recommendations and suggestions for improvement. Researchers used primary data in the form of interviews and secondary data from journals and books. In addition researchers use many Methodology to improve the quality of higher education. The paper attempt Theoretically conceptualize the TQM in higher education ... Read more

Quality – A School Teacher’s View

The other day I saw a presentation which inspired the students to keep on trying till success was achieved. Various role models of great achievers ... Read more

Quality Management And Quality Assurance For Academic Education

Knowledge about technical quality and quality management is a most important issue in modern economic life. So in the course of university studies in the technical domain students should get a very comprehensive knowledge. Education in this field must be based on close co-operation between industry and university institutes. On the one side this deepens the understanding for industrial needs at the universities, on the other side enterprises get help from competent academic specialists when problems must be solved in shortest time under the pressure of world wide competition. Keywords: Quality, quality management, higher education, quality system ... Read more

Quality Management In Higher Education

There is still no consensus on how best to manage quality within higher education. Thus a variety of approaches have been adopted. . The review identifies a reliance on industrial models. These are applied with only partial success and identified limitations suggest a need for refinement, particularly in relation to the centrality of student learning within higher education. ... Read more

Applying Knowledge Management Practices In Higher Education System

Introduction: Knowledge Management (KM) is today the subject of much literature discussion, planning and action [see, e.g., 1-9]. The knowledge management applies systematic approaches to ... Read more

Challenges of A Director In Running A B- School

1.    Introduction:Higher Education: Higher Education that is the main tool for changing the state of any country, it should not be a static tool. It ... Read more

About Pioneer Institute

Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore, an Autonomous Institute was established in the year 1996 with a vision of “Diligence & Excellence” in the professional ... Read more

Message of Dr.P.K Jain, Chairman, Pioneer Institute

It’s a matter of enormous gratification for Pioneer society that the Institute is organizing its 11th National Conference on “Mapping for Excellence: Challenges Ahead” in ... Read more

Message of Dr.P.N Mishra, Conference Advisor

Unremitting pains in mapping for excellence have become a need of an hour. Last few years have seen incredible competition in each and every area ... Read more

Message from Laxmikant Sharma, Higher Education Minister

I am delighted to note that Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies organizing 11th National Conference on "Mapping for Excellence: Challenges Ahead" in Association with AIMS, ... Read more

Message from Dr.P.K Mishra, Vice Chancellor, DAVV, Indore

I am pleased to note that Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore is organizing 11th national conference in association with AIMS, Hyderabad on 'Mapping for ... Read more


There is no edge of challenges & momentum on the pathway of excellence. Particularly looking at the current setting of sweeping economic and financial crisis, ... Read more


Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies always believed in diffusion of awareness to the Students, Researchers, Teachers and Practitioners. Every year, the Institute categorizes many Seminars, ... Read more

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