CA Prashant Jain

total: 71 | displaying: 21 - 40

India's Foreign Trade and Current Account Deficit: Challenges Ahead

Current Account Deficit is one of the major macroeconomic problems facing India. In this paper, we have tried to investigate the trends in foreign trade ... Read more

Importance of Business Ethics and Its Co-Relation with Profit

Ethics are beliefs regarding right and wrong behavior. An individual’s interpretation of ethical behavior is strongly influenced by a combination of family influences, life experience, ... Read more

Gender Effect on Visitors Satisfaction Towards Heritage Tourism

Tourism is one of the world fastest growing Industry. The tourism industry in India is substantial & vibrant & the country is fast becoming a ... Read more

Protean Career – A Powerful Career Development Strategy

With marketplace changing and organizations transforming in today’s cut throat competition, the labor market has realized an even greater shift. The career system of employees ... Read more

A Study on Internet Marketing as A Tool for Promotion

Internet marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular important in the modern market. The reason why it has increased in importance is quite simple ... Read more

Stepping towards e-Governance through Enhanced File Tracking System: A Functional Model using Integrated Support of ICT

Procedures in Government departments cause creation and movement of files related with different issues among various departments/offices. Though the departments have dispatch and reception sections ... Read more

The Role of Values and Ethics in Business in The Environment of Cut Throat Competition

Ethics tries to create a sense of right and wrong in the organizations and often when the law fails, it is the ethics that may ... Read more

Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Wetlands and its Management Strategies

Wetlands are important source of natural assets and play vital role in agriculture ,fisheries, holding diversity of fauna and flora, water recycling ,livelihood of the ... Read more

Impact of Globalization and Strategic Agriculture Marketing in India

After Globalization, Indian agriculture has benefited from improved farming techniques but the growth is not equitable. The farmer is trapped in a vicious cycle of ... Read more

Indian Women's Bank- An Overview

The inception of women world banking in 1980 to address the hitherto unmet needs of economically active but poor women’s access to financial services thereby ... Read more

A Study on Determining Capital Structure Essentials in Listed Public Sector Companies While Raising Short Term Debt

The paper studies the impact of ten variables while raising short term debt in public sector companies in India. Existing research on capital structure has ... Read more

Work Place Stress: Causes and Strategies to Overcome it

Stress is a sensation that's created when we retort to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet ... Read more

IT Enabled Services and Preference of Youth: An Exploratory Study

Information Technology (IT) has invaded all the sectors of our life, whether it is personal or professional. People consider that after the big bang theory, ... Read more

Factors Affecting Popularity of A News Channel

TV industry is major contributor to the mass media industry in terms of revenue. News channels have also mushroomed in recent times. This mushrooming has ... Read more

A Study on Adoptable Strategies by Banks in India to Bring Down the Rising Percentage of Non Performing Assets

A healthy banking system is essential for any economy striving to achieve growth and remain stable in competitive global business environment. Indian banks are favorable ... Read more

Factors Affecting Selection of FMCG Brands: An Empirical Study

Marketing of FMCGs brings many challenges in front of the marketers because of rapidly changing customer profile, intense competition, fickle brand loyalty and escalating expectations ... Read more

e-Tailing: A Virtual Bussiness

Introduction: Retailing focuses on the final transaction, with the business and the customer (B2C). This is in contrast with business to business transactions (B2B) which ... Read more

A Study on Gender Differences in Online Shopping Behaviour

Introduction: With rapid economic growth and increase in prosperity in the last more than a decade, Indian consumer markets have seen unprecedented expansion in interest ... Read more

A Study of Reaction of Stock Prices to Dividend Announcements and Market Efficiency

The present study investigates the reaction of stock prices to dividend announcements by testing the semi-strong form of market efficiency. It analyzes the dividend announcement ... Read more

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