CA Prashant Jain

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Analysing And Preventing The Challenging Issues Related To Web Scraping

The Internet is messed up with personal websites and blogs and other sites where millions of people post information about themselves. There is a technique and legitimate set of tools available you with raw and accurate data in the least amount of effort on your part, through which you can search all of these accessible websites and retrieve relevant information. This technique is called Web Scraping. The tools can simulate user interactions and can automatically store the resultant display. There are many valid reasons for uses of web Scraping by various Web Analyzer, Ethical Hacker, Developers, and Authenticate User’s Decision Analyst etc. Even though it has been observed that many a times Web Scraping is used for illegal or illicit purposes. For instance Web Scraping is used for anything disagreeable, or anything that would violate anyone else's copyright. Therefore In this paper we propose various issues related to web scraping and discuss some prevention techniques for these issues. It will provide you better solution for scraping as well as prevention methods of discussed issues. ... Read more

Develop A Framework For Improvement In Pharmaceutical Erp System Using Design Pattern

Abstract Applications have importance in software Engineering. The same is true for ERP system in pharmaceutical. In current days Pharmaceutical companies working in ERP system, which have same look and feel. This similarity motivates us to develop framework for pharmaceutical ERP System. Traditional Pharmaceutical ERP System have same nature but ERP system developers not familiar with knowledge used in pharmacy system and this traditional approach does not support reusability and extendibility. Design pattern main feature is to provide reusability and extendibility. So, our motive is to use design pattern to develop framework for Pharmaceutical ERP System ... Read more

ERP Software

ERP - Enterprise resource planning is a company-wide computer software system used to manage and coordinate all the resources, information, and functions of a business from shared data stored. It is an electronic resource planning of an enterprise. It is useful as it saves lots of time of every individual within the enterprise. It is highly safe as data is protected in a particular server. Only individuals authorized to edit and save any data within the ERP system can do it and rest cannot. His includes planning, manufacturing, and sales, while more recent ERP software products encompass marketing, inventory control, order tracking, customer service, finance and human resources as well. It is a fast electronic data processing program. ERP systems are cross-functional and enterprise-wide. All functional departments that are involved in operations or production are integrated in one system. In addition to areas such as manufacturing, warehousing, logistics, and information technology, this typically includes accounting, human resources, marketing and strategic management. ... Read more

Customer Relationship Management In Education

Educational institutions worldwide are undergoing fundamental shifts in how they operate and interact with their “customers”: students, alumni, donors, faculty members, and staff members. Kotler and Fox (1995) state that “the best organization in the world will be ineffective if the focus on ‘customers’ is lost. First and foremost is the treatment of individual students, alumni, parents, friends, and each other (internal customers). Every contact counts!” The concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an exciting one, especially as the education market becomes more competitive. Deregulation and a blurring of the boundaries, coupled with increased competition on the international front are forcing institutes to reconsider the mechanisms they use to attract and retain suitably qualified prospective students and forge relationships with corporate clients. Similar to ERP, CRM solutions focus on automating and improving processes, although the focus is on front office areas, such as recruiting, marketing, customer service, and support. In this paper, we present CRM as internal business processes—in areas such as finance, grants management, student information, enrollment, inventory management, and human resources—and freed them from some of the minutia found in day to day operations. ... Read more

E- Supply Chain Management

Information technology has long been a major factor. Relational databases, client/server architecture, TCP/IP network protocols, multimedia, wireless technology, and most recently, the Internet, have each, in their way, spurred new innovation and new possibilities. The e-business, or Internet computing, model, has now emerged as perhaps the most compelling enabler for supply chain integration. Because it is open, standards-based and virtually ubiquitous, businesses can use the Internet to gain global visibility across their extended network of trading partners and help them respond quickly to availability changing business conditions such as customer demand and resource availability. This paper is divided into two parts. First part deals with how e- Business is changing supply chains. Second part of the paper is designed to examine the related research in this area. ... Read more

Cloud Computing: Cost Effective Of Effect-Less Computing

Abstract The paper is a brief introduction of the cloud computing perspective for the coming future in which the enterprise level computing is set to a very small cost effective computation in which the cost of establishment is reduced by a huge factor. In the paperthe basic introduction of the Cloud Computing, modals,charactersticks, architecture , elements , security ,features , technologies , difference between cloud and grid , problems in cloud , issues , difficulties , effects ,objectives , essentials , and some case studies on cloudcomputing is given. The conclusion is highlighted which yields a much more secure and cost effective paradigmcalled as Cloud for effective computation and a distributed application based on a very small investment from large enterprises thereby reducing the bulk cost and pricing of are extended to be accessible through the Internet. The cloud applications use large data centers and powerful servers that host Web applications and Web services. Anyone with a suitable Internet connection and a standard browser can access a cloud application. A cloud is a pool of virtualized computer resources. Which can perform the following task as : ... Read more

Exploiting UML To Model Military Organization And Military Behavior

Unified Modelling Language is a set of graphical description techniques for specifying, visualizing, implementing and documenting object-oriented systems. The behaviour of military strategy and planning in a typical military organization is dynamic. A military organization has large number of entities (both distinct as well as similar) and the revalent relationships between them. There are also complex association between various objects. Also, the flow of critical and confidential information between wide varieties of objects makes modelling of a military organization more difficult. In this paper we present a study of modelling military organization and military behaviour in a generic manner, using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) as a knowledge representation technique. The class diagram that is provided by UML is well suited for representing military organizations whose structure is well-known, since military units and their interrelations can be represented as classes and interrelations between the classes. On the other hand, it is a much harder task to represent military organizations that are not wellknown or military behaviour because of the uncertainty associated with them. Different behaviours are triggered in different environments using different doctrines, and the outcomes of the behaviours are uncertain. Due to complexity, time constraints and war friction, causal relations between different factors, which play an important role in warfare, may be uncertain. ... Read more

Application Of Role Modeling In Designing Component

Components are collection of cooperating entities. New abstraction and techniques are required for designing software components. In this paper, i use role models to represent component interaction and collaboration. I adopt role models because of its strong support for many of criteria, rules and principles that form the basis of modularity. As role models can be employed for analysis, design and implementations, they also provide a direct mapping to applications that can be traceable throughput a components lifecycles. ... Read more

Network Intrusion Detection System With Data Mining Approach

Network intrusion detection systems have become a standard component in security infrastructures. Unfortunately, current systems are poor at detecting novel attacks without an unacceptable level of false alarms. We propose that the solution to this problem is the application of an ensemble of data mining techniques which can be applied to network connection data in an offline environment, augmenting existing real-time sensors. In this paper, we expand on our motivation, particularly with regard to running in an offline environment, and our interest in multisensor and multimethod correlation. We then review existing systems, from commercial systems, to research based intrusion detection systems. Next we survey the state of the art in the area. Standard datasets and feature extraction turned out to be more important than we had initially anticipated, so each can be found under its own heading. Next, we review the actual data mining methods that have been proposed or implemented. We conclude by summarizing the open problems in this area and proposing a new research project to answer some of these open problems. ... Read more

Mobile Communication system

GSM is a Global System for mobile communication; it provides Voice, Messaging, Data and Multi Media services .GSM system is an open system, means it contains well defined interfaces between different system parts. GSM is a digital communication system. There are several advantages of GSM. 1. GSM uses radio frequencies efficiently and due to the digital radio path, the system tolerates more intercell disturbances. 2. The average speech quality is better than an analog system. 3. Data transmission is supported throughout the GSM system. 4. Speech is encrypted and subscriber information security is guaranteed. 5. International roaming is possible within all countries using the GSM system. ... Read more

Hybrid Expert System For Optimal And Reliable Process Design Of Man-Machine

Hybrid expert system is best branch of AI. The paper presents a review of the theory and practice of optimal process design of man-machine systems (MMS) according to efficiency, quality and reliability (EQR) indices on the basis of functional-structural theory, artificial intelligence methods, and sequential variant analysis. It pools the necessary information about the models, methods, technologies and software, applied tools. It also includes implementation of the hybrid expert system of man-machine optimal and reliable process.

Interactive Computer Games As An Emerging Application Of Human-Level Artificial Intelligence

Emerging Technology as fundamental goals of AI is to understand and develop intelligent systems that have all the capabilities of humans, there is little active research directly pursuing this goal. This leads to the propose AI for interactive computer games is an emerging application area in which this goal of human-level AI can successfully be pursued. Inter active computer games have increasingly complex and realistic worlds and increasingly complex and intelligent computer-controlled characters. This paper presents further motivate, proposal of using interactive computer games for AI research, review previous research on AI and games, and present the different game genres and the roles that human-level AI could play within these genres. This paper also discusses the research issues and AI techniques that are relevant to each of these roles and methodology which is very interactive computer games provide a rich environment for incremental research on human-level AI. ... Read more

Trends In Information Technology

In this paper, trends in information technology, the opportunities and applications of information technology is discussed. The statistical analysis of internet activity and telecommunication is explained. ... Read more

Grooming The Qualities of Search Engine

Modern day web search engines produce the same information for a query to every user of it. The two main problems with search engine are firstly more time to generate the results and secondly producing irrelevant results. They do not take into account the user’s interest. So a system and method for using a user profile to order placed content in search results is needed [1]. The user profile is based on predefined categories. But to employ this technique we need a large categorized database. Manually categorization is obviously not a cost effective method so we need some automatic categorization techniques. In this paper author proposes a hybrid approach for automatic document categorization to improve search engine performance. The paper also focuses at Psearch domain. ... Read more

Cloud Computing Architecture For Technical Educational Institutes

Cloud –a parallel & distributed system consisting of a collection of interconnected & virtualized computers that are dynamically provisioned. In this paper we are studying present situation of infrastructure provided by engineering institutes of B grade cities and suggest how cloud computing service providers can help. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Section 1 Introduces cloud computing. In section 2 we are explaining SaaS and in section 3, need of cloud infrastructure for technical institutions. Section 4 – a proposed architecture and section 5 describes benefits and drawbacks followed by conclusion. ... Read more

An Approach For File Splitting And Merging

File Splitter is a program which does not require installation and can be used to split files to multiple chunks as well as to merge multiple chunks into a single file. File Splitter is a software which is used to split the user specifying file according to the user specifying size. It is very difficult to transfer one big file from one end to another through any media like internet or small storage like Floppy, Pen drive, CD etc. This software helps to overcome this problem. The split portions of file may carry some temporary information to denote the number of split part and total number of parts etc. This idea is used to split big files to small pieces for transferring purpose, uploading etc. In the destination side, these parts of file can be jointed to form the original source file. Splitting process is mainly aiming in the area of file transferring from one end to another. There are three techniques to split the file. 1. Split in the size of 1.4MB (Floppy size) 2. Split in the size of 650MB(CD size) 3. User specifying size, Here file will be split equally in the specified size To ensure the security, the user can include password to split and combine the files. This split portion will be in non readable format and will be encrypted. If the user has given password to split, the same password is required to do the combining option. This program is developed using Java and can implement in .NET also. ... Read more

Revolution Aspects Of Nanotechnology With Emphasis Of Future, Ethics And Challenges

Nanotechnology is the aspect of very small technology compare to micro technology. Here, this paper describes the different types of description about nanotechnology with definition and explanation of that definition also, here; we have been explained nanotechnology basic as well as conflict meaning, how nanotechnology works as general purpose technology. it’s also describes different generation of nanotechnology, how nanotechnology works, the world of nanotechnology, different types of nano-size structures, applications with nanotechnology, future of nanotechnology, and also describes risk aspects, challenges and ethics in nanotechnology. In application or product of nanotechnology we have been given different types of real world applications and explain world with scale. And how are nanotechnology effects to medical science, finance and economics, health and medicine and other areas also. ... Read more

Feature Selection: An Important Issue in Text Categorization

Text categorization is a problem of assigning a document into predefined classes. Feature selection is one of the important issues in text categorization. Wide variety of feature selection methods exist for text categorization like Information Gain (IG), Document Frequency (DF),Term Strength (TS), Mutual Information (MI) etc. Feature selection methods can improve the efficiency and performance of text categorization. This paper reports a controlled study on a large number of feature selection techniques for text classification. We also discuss some variation and combinations of these feature selection methods. ... Read more

A Conceptual Development And An Implementation For Exploring Hypothesis Space In Data Mining

The problem faced by data miners is that the information obtained is very difficult to understand and hence to represent because of high dimensionality. In this paper the effects of errors, data representation, and assessment approach in data mining is discussed. Data-mining techniques designed for classification problems usually assume that each observation is a member of only one category. We extend these methods to the case in which observations may be full members of multiple categories. They evaluate three of the popular methods (decision tree induction, linear discriminant analysis, and neural networks) and explore representational and performance measurement perspectives.We apply data mining to predicting bankruptcy. We show that different parameters for forecasting bankruptcy are obtained when economic conditions are normal and when countries are operating in crisis mode, as has been the case recently in parts of Asia. ... Read more

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