Organizational Policies and Its Impact On Work Life Balance:- An Investigative Study

Introduction: Now a day maintaining balance in between work and life has been the focus of everyone including companies and employees. The fast moving life, instant access of everything does not put the individual in a more lax state; instead it pushes the person to do more with the seemingly more time in his/her hands. The individual engages himself/herself with more activities in and out of the office than usual as this seems to be supported by the adoption of flexibility measures in the workplace. The availability of technology anywhere which aids in the connectivity of people 24/7 further delineates the boundaries between work and personal life.


Organizations are under tremendous pressure to improve their performance and success in the competitive business world. Psychological empowerment increases employees' sense of personal control and motivates them to engage in work, which in turn results in positive managerial and organizational outcomes (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997). Work-life balance has always been a concern for quality of working life and its relation to quality of life. Individuals experiencing interference between work and personal lives are also significantly more likely to suffer from reduced psychological well-being and physical health. (Grant-Vallone & Ensher, 1998).

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