Security Based Comparison of Relational and Object Oriented Distributed Database Model

In today environment Distributed database is mainly used by large organization for there striking features. When we develop a distributed database there are many features which may concern but the Security concerns is the main feature. When choosing between the object oriented Model and the relational model, many factors should be considered. The most important of these factors are single level and multilevel access controls, protection against inference, and maintenance of integrity etc. When determining which distributed database model will be more secure for a particular application, the decision should not be made purely on the basis of available security features. One should also question the efficiency of the delivery of these features. Do the features provided by the database model provide adequate security for the Intended application? Does the implementation of the security controls add an unacceptable amount of Computational overhead? In this paper, the security strengths and weaknesses of both database models and the Special problems found in the distributed environment are discussed.